Chapter 42- Falls Diving

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Chapter 42- Falls Diving

Cassidy's POV

Forgiveness would set you free

I don't know maybe I should start forgiving him I guess before this two months come to an end and maybe enjoy my stay here with the boys and Danielle.

I prepared the sandwiches and also the juice already. I'm sure they would be all hungry. I could see them diving and swimming.

I took of my white shirt I had wore my swimming clothes back then. And then I felt cold arms wrap around my waist and from an instant I knew who it was


"Yeah. I'm coming wait a sec" I said covered the food and I let myself be pulled by Louis.

I could see the three looking at me and I just smile at them. I just want to enjoy this vacation of theirs without work.

"Louis where are we going?" I ask we headed to the other direction not to the falls

"Do you trust me?" Oh-uh I think this is not a good idea

"Louis i-"

"Do you trust me Cassidy?" He ask leaning closer to me looking to my eyes deeply. I just nod and a smile is now plastered to his face.

"Okaay. wrap your arms around my neck" He commanded. Weird that a few minutes ago I was crying because of him and now yeah

"Cmon Cass I wouldn't do anything to you" He said giving me his signature smile "that would hurt you"

"Alright" I sighed and wrap my arms around his neck and then he scoop me up carrying me bridal style

" Louuuis!" I squeeled I could feel his chest slowly going up and down

"Trust me love" He said kissing my forehead that somewhat made me calm

"Now I want you to just open your eyes yeah?" I nod "Okay here it goes 1 2 3" And with that he run

"Louis why are we ru- Louiis! Noooo! Don't! Don't! WAAAAAH!!! LOUUEH!!! I SWEAR IM GONBA KILL YOU IF I WILL SURVIVEEEE!!!! AAAHHH!!!!!" I screamed as we are falling down. Wrapping my arms to his neck tighter. He just laugh in response.

I don't wanna die yet

I don't wanna die yet

I don't wanna die yet

"Open your eyes" I did and I could see the forest and the tall buildings but in the middle of my amazement


We reach the water. When we got back to the surface . Im breathless and I could see the others cheering but when I saw Louis. I glare at him completely he just laugh. I look at the falls I can't believed we just leap from the top to here. If I don't know Louis I would practically say that he is crazy.

"I'm so sorry love didn't mean to scare you" I just roll my eyes and from the corner of my eyes I saw Liam and Dani

"Wanna try bhabe?"

"Oh don't you dare Payne" She said crossing her arms and Louis have just ruin the moment by splashing some water to them.

And with that the water fight began. I splashed water to Louis' direction and I'm doing a great job when Harry splash some water to my direction

"Get away from my Boo bear!" He announced and both of them are teaming up splashing me water

"Unfaaair! Niaaaalllll!!!!" I called out And in an instant he's helping me with a wink.

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