Chapter 65- Once In A Lifetime

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Chapter 65- Once In A Lifetime

Cassidy's POV


If you didn't remember she was my co-worker.

"What are you doing here?" I asked defeated

"I'm sorry Cassidy... I don't want to do this-" She was cut off

"Enough of that!Well if you haven't  realized she is my younger sister" Emily spoke with a big smirk.

I look at both of them and realized theyre features are very looked alike. She's making Melissa a selfless doll. Poor girl. I glare at Emily with disbelief as she laugh.

"What I want you to do is torture her sis" Emily smiled as Melissa's eyes widen.


"Oh please... You know what I can do" She snickered Melissa'seyes widen in horror. What is it? but Melissa strongly disagree.

"Well if that's what you want"Emilyu said pushing the girl towards me. She wimper as Emily laugh. "That's what happen I you don't follow me. How naive of you. " She finished and I just throw my shopes straight to her face.

What did you expect I'm not tied. A stupid move from my kidnapper. I smirk as I help Melissa up. She's crying while saying sorry repeatedly. I hug her saying its okay. Don't cry anymore

And with that Emily recovered. Her eyes filled with anger and I just have to smirk just to tease her more. "You little bi-" She was cut off when a guy in suit came.

"Ma'am you got visitors" Emily nod assured him to go and look at us.

"I'll be back" She muttered poison in every word. I just stick my tongue out as she shut the door close.

Louis' POV

" I know where they might go" I said seriously as we hopped in the car.

Emily, she's the one responsible for all of this. She broke us apart and now that I'll have her back... She just have to interfere. Right damn it! Why didn't I realized she's the girl in suit. Goddamnit it Louis.

"Calm down Lou" Liam said and I took a glance of my now white knuckles and their worried faces.

"You're scaring little Niall" Haz remarked as i sigh.

"Sorry guys I'm... just worried. I love her" I began to tear up. Damn traffic just have to go butt in.

Zayn patted my back and spoke "We are all worried. Stop crying and let's get your woman." I nod, wiping away my tears and started driving again.

She better be safe or else I don't know what I might do with Emily.


I immediately get out of the car when we reached the location. She's better be there. I run, the fastest my legs could do and the lads following behind. I reached the door and started knocking continuously.

"Emily! Emily! Open the door Goddamnit!" I yelled pounding the door. When the others catch up they tried to calm me.

"How am I supposed to calm down Harry?! Can't you see?! Cassidy is there! And who knew what she did to her!" I yelled frustratedly and before they could even speak the door opened revealing a smirking Emily that turn my anger to raging fire.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TOUCH HER I WOULD KILL YOU ALL!!! DAMN IT! DONT TRY TO STOP ME!!!" I shouted trying to get away from thee boys' grip.

"What a nice greeting Louis" She smirked just playing it cool bit I lost mine long ago FREAKING LONG AGO

"Where the fick is she?!"

"Could you just please stop for a sec. It's your fault anyway. Didn't I tell you to stay away from her." Before o could speak Niall spoke glaring at her.

"I don't think its necessary to say that. Just bring back Cassidy and we will leave" His tone is stern as if it could kill. Emily just laugh.

"I'll take Louis then you could have the trash"

"Cassidy is not a trash!"

"We wouldn't give Louis." Liam said and Emily just took out a gun our eyes widen in horror.

"Well then choose..."She trailed off looking at her back and sure thing I saw Cassidy unconscious. "Louis won't be mine and she will die or Louis will follow me and she'll live"

We all think. Maybe fate just forbid us to be togethe But I can't let Cassidy die infront of me without doing anything. Maybe its just for the best. I'll give up my happiness for her life.

I walk up to her slowly as the smirk in her face grow wider.

"That's it come on." She encouraged as I give her one of my famous bitch face.

"L-louis?" someone whimpered causing me to go stop in my tracks.I look at her. Her tears threatening to spill. The guy loosen his grip on her.

"Oh! look! The princess is already awake" Emily stated sarcastically and I rolled my eyes.

"Look Louis... I'm sorry and all. I know I'm sotupid for just realizing it now but I don't want a life without you." She breathed out along my ears ringing. She don't know how much I waited to hear them but its just... I frown making all of the tears she's been holding back spill.

"I'm sorry but-"

"You know what? I-if this is about my life, take it!I don't want it without you." She pleaded and I would have said something else if it wasn't for Ms. Bitch-Ruiner.

"Ugh. Cut it out! Cut it out. Youre both disgusting. Eewww" Emily ranted but all I could hear is Cassidy's sobs and plea. I want to hug her so bad, kiss her forehead and tell her everything will be okay.

"You are under arrest for kidnapping, Ms. Hedgeword" A voice full of authority said. A hint of hope came through me. Another way? or justmy imagination.

I saw the boys smirking. They think fast. A small smile forming on me and Cassidy's lips. Knowing that this will be over and we could just live together but in seconds that smiles completely disappeared when a loud bang was heard through out the streets


Mehehe :3 Im done. So sorry the chapter just keeps on deleting so I really have to rewrite it like 3 times. Jeez all the efforts.

Almost to the end


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