Chapter 46- Monthsarry

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Chapter 46- Monthsarry

A/N: This chapter is full of flashbacks and reminiscing. thanks

Cassidy's POV

"So should we start hiking now?"

All agreed. So now I'm with Dani we are inside a tent dressing up. As we exited the tent both Louis and Liam are there?

"Where are the others?"

"They rushed to the forest getting so excited" Liam explain as Dani comes closer to him

Louis' POV

I eye her up and down like a maniac. Jeez. She's wearing her black ripped shorts with her checkered red top and blue low cut converse. Her hair is on a messy ponytail and a not so big nor small back pack.

"Done checking me out Tommo?" She said wiggling his eyebrows. Very bold for a girl aye. I just shrug.

If being excited to the forest is tying me up a rock until they are gone but before that telling me to make it up to Cassidy in the forest while Liam is there guarding me.... then yeah that's really it. Same difference. They all know now and I really need to explain every single details to them.

"Cassidy" I said as we started walking to the forest Liam and Dani getting out of sight.

"Yeah?" She said appreciating the beauty of nature then turning her head towards me.

"I'm sorry for making you cry when you are" I cut my sentence

"When I am?" She asked gaining interest turning her full attention to me

Begging on my feet to say those three little words. the truth is its easy to say for I love you so much but its just for the best. To save your life.

"s-saying sorry about t-the you know prank and I just" I rambled and she nod smiling.

" Hmm... that's fine by me" I gave her one of my signature smile. As we continue to walk deeper to the forest. Until she just trip and I didn't luckily caught her in time.

"Ouch!" She yelped. I quickly go to her.

"Ey are you okay?"

"Do you think I'm okay Tomlinson?" She sassed while I came closer to her

"Louis Tomlinson to the rescue!" I announced as I came nearer and nearer. I touch her but she winced.

"Uh.. do you want to go back to camp?" I suggested she could even rest there more comfortably.

"M-my ankle" She blurted out while bitting her lower lip and I found it kinda sexy. Yihiie sorry I sounded like a hormonal teenage girl.

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