Chapter 30- Carrots vs. Marshmallow

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Chapter 30- Carrots vs. Marshmallow

Warning the words are kinda yeah

Louis' POV

"Im soooo tired!" I whined plopping down at the couch. As Cassidy followed crawling. Yes she's crawling... its pretty amusing actually. Now that she's showing her true  self and don't forget packets of marshmallow in her arms.

"Well its all your fault Louis" She said bluntly "Ouch... My back" She muttered then throw a marshmallow in the air but before she could catch it with her mouth I did with mine

"Hey! You mallow snatcher!" She glared at me and I smiled innocently. Im lucky she's tired or else I'm shred into pieces now.

"roar!" I blared. She just rolled her eyes eating another of her favorite sweet then her phone buzzed. I'm glad we are no more awkward because of the... yeah

"What's that?" I asked curiosity over took me she shook her head in response then she laugh

"What's happening to her?" I asked the other lads

"Maybe she's also been infected by your disease Louis" Zayn kid. I glare at him and he zip his mouth playfully.

"Maybe she's on Twitter " Niall stated then eat his potato chips my eyes widen. She have twitter?!

"She have twitter?!!!!" I exclaimed and they all nod

"You're late on the news darling" Cassidy commented that made me kinda calm. She just called me darling. OMG fangirling! Im just joking

"How come you don't follow me?" I asked dramatically "Why did no one told me?" I pouted

"We just feel like it" Niall mumble

"Just eat leprechaun" and he rolled hi eyes and continue eating his beloved chips

"So what's funny Cassidy?" Liam asked once again.

"Nothing much... just the hates" She replied and we all look at each other. The last time she was crying because of it. Oh well! She can handle it.

"Cassidy" Liam taunt and she just give us innocent look.

"What its funny? They're spending their time just for me! I'm so lucky!" She exclaimed and once again we look at each other and back to her. She can handle hate and laugh about. I really love this girl.

"Go die peasant, Liam is mine, Die in a hole, Stay away from my One Direction, Harry is mine, Louis is mine, Zayn is mine, Niall is mine, One Direction is mine, Slut, bitch and all such thing. What a funny thing" She grinned and a smile form to my lips she really I an independent and strong person " But how did they know my twitter account?" She questioned and then we all burst into laughter. And don't forget sometimes this girl is so innocent

"Our Fandom know everything" Liam said and we all nod.

"Even our" Zayn cutted me in mid-sentence.

"Shut it Louis" Zayn stated and I nod then smirk

"What? What is that Louis! Cmon" Cassidy exclaimed and then stop until we notice Niall whispering something to Cassidy. I snickered as I eyed the two wide eyed boys.

"Niaaalll" Liam said and Niall look at us innocently

"Sorry guyz but I need food"He said and plop to the coach like it was just nothing. He is so honest that sometimes lead all of us to trouble.

I look at Cassidy and her face is red and her eyes are wide.

"" She muttered and I laugh. Liam just sighed. And then she pick a marshmallow and put in her mouth.

"Heavenly" She muttered and pop another in her mouth. "Yum"

"Carrots are definitely more delicious than that" I commented with a smirk

"What the? Are you kidding me? That would never happen! Even if its the end of the world!" She glared and I laugh sarcastically.

"In your dreams Cassidy!" Its on

" Guyz... We don't want to watch your argument so we will just go out don't do anything that will take us in trouble" Liam said and. I nod.

"Bye bye guyzzzzzzz!" I replied right away since Cassidy I think didn't heard Liam's statement

" huh atleast Marshmallows are delicious in my dreams and in reality how bout your carrots?" She said smirking while raising her eyebrow

"Nandos! Nandos!" Niall chanted

"I thought Cassidy is a Liam's girl" Zayn teased and I raised my eyebrow..

"What do you mean by that?" I asked and Zayn laugh while shrugging when Niall stop

" Jealous" He muttered and started to chant Nandos again.

"Hey... I'm just right here" Cassidy informed.

"We will just go" Liam said closing the door. hmmm Zayn thought she's like Liam but little did they know she's more like me. Then I remembered something

I then face her and lean closer to her. She didn't say anything her eyes just widen and her gave redden. I lean closer to the point that we are just inches away. She closed her eyes and then I smirk. I turn my face to her ear and whisper

"Its on" and then I quickly stand up and chuckle going upstairs leaving her dumbfounded.


that's it! Sorry for the late and short chapter guys... so sorry. I got a question!

Do you want a sequel?

Comment pls. ;)


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