Chapter 57- Please Comeback

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A/N: More of drama. T.T I know it sucks like that. Sudden change of POV

Chapter 57- Please Comeback

Cassidy's POV

I've talked to Mr. Cowell yesterday after my last minute drama in my bedroom. Gee... one heck of a job.

I've just woken up and its quite weird to be awoken by silence. I guess I'm used to the loud noises they produce. A sigh escaped my lips. Shut up Cass.

I did my daily routine or so I thought. I couldn't really do anything. I look at my full size length mirror and look how mess I am.

My eyes are red and puffy don't even mention about the bags under my eyes. My hair is all over the place. Ugh I don't even want to talk about it. I thought breaking down once again.

After the moment I did. I look more presentable. Its the best I could do when I heard a knock from my door.

I walk to the door like a zombie and open it. My eyes widening. Panic begin to evaporate in my mind. My eyes search for the brunette boy but was relief when he is nowhere yo be seen

"Louis is not with us" Niall said taking in my features. I open the door wider for them to come in for I'm too tired to utter a word.

Niall's POV

Me and Zayn look at each other. I know what he is thinking. They both are a wreck they should just go back together at once or they would die because of depression. Jeez... they are hurting themselves

" I'm sorry I havent have the time to-" I cut Cassidy mid sentence. I couldn't do this anymore

"Cassidy you know why we are here" I started she just look at me with pure disbelief for I never used this tone of voice to her

" Niall please"

"Stop don't even try of anything Cass. We all know what's this all doing to both of you, to all of us" I stated and she shook her head lightly "If this about what you've heard in the falls Zayn could explain"  Her eyes widen Dani is right that triggers everything back.

"You heard what me and Louis talked about right?" Zayn questioned. Cassidy looked at us frowning "Don't take it in the wrong way. Louis didn't meant he just want to get in your pants, he meant he want to get in to the depths of your heart" Zayn explained.

Louis' POV

"Louis please cmon eat your breakfast" Harry said knocking my door for the 11th time in the morning.

"Go away!"

That's why she looks familiar. that's why I've gotten  so protective of her. that's why I know some facts about her specially those marshmallows issues in the airport. Jeez... I'm back to square one I guess

"Louis eat please" That one is Liam. Don't they get it I want to be alone and peacefully drink on my own, in my room just to hurt myself more

Harry's POV

"Wouldn't we tell him?" I asked Liam. He just shook his head in response. I sighed. If they would just talk again.

"We couldn't tell that to Louis. He would have his hopes high again and if it wouldn't work out he would be more depressed" Liam explained

"Why wouldn't Cassidy just go back to him then boom! Happily ever after happens" I complained sighing in frustration.

"Cassidy has been damaged also and then all of the truth just came rushing to her. Let's just hope she would do the right thing for her and every one else" Liam answered. I plop down at the couch.

"So we would just wait here? Wait our friends to try to kill themselves with depression" I ranted. Liam sighed. Louis doesn't eat. or even get out of his room after the incident and it made everything worst when Uncle Si rung us telling the news that it's  officially over. I wouldn't be surprised either if Cassidy is doing the same thing as Louis.

What the heck are they doing to themselves? They are complicating everything when the solution is just too simple. I hope the two guys
knock some sense to her and I wouldn't let them just do the job here. I would also put some sense in Louis' mind.

"What are you doing?"

"Making him face the reality. I wouldn't let Louis sulk like that for the eternity. I couldn't take this anymore, we couldn't take this drama anymore"

Cassidy's POV

I couldn't utter a single word. Im seriously a selfish bitch

"Cass" Niall whispered when my years prickles in my eyes.

"Go back to him please. You two are both wrecked." Zayn said "and we couldn't live with that knowing both of our friends are in such state" Zayn continues.

"But Zayn *hic* i-it's too late now. He hates me" I reasoned out. Niall just sighes

"Ugh. teenagers this days. He told you he loves you. You told him you still love him. Nothing is in between Cassidy. Nothing"

"You are going hard on yourselves idiot" My eyes shot open to Niall. I never have imagine he could say that to someone else specially to me but Niall is right.

"Give me some time"  I muttered

"Please. Cassidy. Comeback. You still love each other so what's holding you back?"

"Give me some time" I repeated "to gather some courage" I said a small smile appearing to my face and they nod happily.

"Yeah fight for him"

I just hope I'm still the one when I do have the courage.

Louis' POV

My eyes shot open because of the loud banging of my door. What the actual fudge?

"Louis open up! I swear if you wouldn't I will break your door into three!" I roll my eyes and sigh. I guess I have no choice. This time will come eventually. I walk rather slowly to the door. Tss.

As I open the door Harry's expression changed when he saw me. I know, I know I look like an absolute mess. He give me one of those comforting hugs.

"Atlast you open up" He stated letting go of me.

"But I only open the door just to pick up the tray of food" I joke. Even joking is really hard to do. Well at least I've tried. He gave me a faint smile

"Louis you should stop sulking in your room" He said getting serious and all.

" Haz"

"Remember when you and Cassidy said it to my face that I should man up and fight for the love of my life?! Well I'm giving it back to you!" That's a real good slap in my face, thanks mate

"She still loves you, you love her. She's doubdting? Fight for her mate! Fight for the girl of your dreams!" Harry said encouraging me.

He is right. I look at Liam in the sidelines and he is nodding with a smile they are all right

"But first I should prove myself to her"


Yay! Done kiddos :)

June 24, 2015

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