Chapter 6- Epic lunch at Nandos

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Chapter 6- Epic Lunch at Nandos

Cassidy's POV

"So... The news is all over the world... I guess and you're publicity gets higher and higher. That's good" Simon said. Well, why should I be here?

"Uncle Si why did you want to meet Cassidy? Not that I don't want to but I'm just wondering" Liam state. Well he is right.

"uhm... I've decided that since I'm taking care of some businesses. I would like her to be with you because I'm giving you all a two month vacation" He explained. What?! What. The. Heck. They all look at me with a grin.

"So? Would you accept? I thought you're really close to them so I thought again that you could be the great babysitter for them cause you're not one of those crazy fans that will rape them. Don't worry I'll pay you 16 grand for your service. is that enough?" What?! 16 grand?

"No need Mr. Cowell.... I would be honoured to accompany them in two months" I smiled. What am I doing? What trouble I'm getting myself into?

"Yay! Cassidy will take care of us!" Louis shout. Oh! just you wait....

"I can't wait!" Niall screamed.

"But may I ask... why do they even need some look out? I mean... they're teenagers."

"I'm 21" Louis pouted. I just shrugged

" Cause they do that" He pointed and I saw Louis and Harry rolling on the floor. Zayn is like, my hair is ruined! and Niall is like, Let's go to Nandos! and Liam is like the only guy that don't act like a kid or something. I sighed

"You could move in tomorrow. The boys will pick you up. Sorry if this is such a short notice" He said and I smile with a nod.

We finally got out and I sighed.

"So? You need to go home and pack?" Niall asked with a pout and I nod.

"But we could go first to Nandos if you want" I smiled. I figured out that he is always hungry.

"So are you excited moving in with us?" Louis shouted in my face. He haven't change.

"uhm yeah I think. I'm just feeling a bit claustrophobic cause I'm the only girl" I said fake smiling.

"Don't worry Cassidy. You shouldn't" Liam reassured and I nod giving him a smile.

"Let's race to the elevator!" Louis yelled like a child and he spotted a wheel cart. I think... i don't really know what its called

"Let's go!" Niall yelled an I mentally face palmed myself.

"Zayn? you coming?" Niall asked the boy fixing his hair.

"No. I'm good. I don't want to ruin my hair"

"Well suit yourself" Louis said then Niall jump inside and Louis start pushing it fast. "Here comes Superman and the mighty leprechaun!"

"Are they always like that?" I asked Liam and he nod as we walk to the elevator. The two boys are shouting at us.

"Aw... Zayn you're the donkey! You got in last" Louis stated and Zayn rolled his eyes. Wouldn't he shuttaph?


We are sitting in the booth and I'm quite relieved that no one had noticed yet that I'm with One Direction.

"What would you like to order?" Liam being the sensible he is. I smile

"Everything!" Niall yelled that resulted to get few glances. Now I face palmed myself.

" uhm.. Whatever you order" I replied to Liam then the waiter came... and he's just starring at me... uhm did I know him?

" We will order-" Zayn said to the waiter but I'm so lost. Did I do something wrong?

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