Chapter 63- The Heck?

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Chapter 63- The Heck?

Beware of cursing

Cassidy's POV

I open my eyes to be jumped on by a dark view. I couldn't see anything. Am I going blind? Wait I should be going to the park to see Louis! Oh my gush... Louiiiis. ugh why is this happening? When the time comes that i admit my decisions have been cheese something like this happens. Where's the light switch anyway?

Oh wait I have a blindfold on. Jeez. I pull off the piece of cloth and was surprised when I saw I'm on an unfamiliar room and that scent utterly familiar. I sniff until something popped into my head.  Even how disgusting it may be.                            

Blueberry.  Blueberry pancakes.

Now I'm hungry. A frown is now plastered to my face as I tried to remember how i got here. Louis must be worried and think I've been abducted by aliens, sealed  on a jar and transformed to a red salmon. ugh. what am I thinking. He might think I ditched him... again. Oh shit!

"I swear I'm going to kill the one who is responsible for all of this" I muttered under my breath. So practically. I'm kidnapped and my mind is still comprehending everything. Screw them ruining me and Louis' reuniting event.

But if I'm really kidnapped why am I not tied? and look my phone is still in my pocket. Dumbass kidnappers. Maybe this is just a prank. hmm... oh well. My thoughts were cut off when my phone vibrated.


Where are you?

Are you still coming?

I would be here waiting yeah?

Oh my ghad so this is not a prank.   I'm sure in hell I would slit my kidnapper's throat. 

Louis I'm so sorry. Im there at the meeting place awhile ago and on a split second I'm here locked up.

 ehhh I guess that's a bit needy but hey I'm kidnapped.  I feel really horrible. Fuck my life having full of drama. I hope he would read it in time wait... I have my phone I could call him, the police, liam, niall, harry, zayn, pez and dani. okay okay just calm down cass. You would get out of here in no time.

I called Liam and....

Why now?~

Insufficient balance please try your call later.

Maybe I could just text them?  Alright I can't send it through. Atleast my message to Louis did or so I thought.

A sigh escaped my lips. I got a phone and a signal but still lacking of something. There would always be something like this huh? err.. Damnit! 

I'm facing back and forth anticipating on my kidnapper's next move and my useless phone.

I open my inbox once again to see my message still not sent. I facepalmed myself. Wait. So Louis didn't receive the message?

Great. just great. I love my life right now. Jeez. I'm really a dumbass sometimes.


Another minute have passed and I'm totally getting bored. I look outside... you see there's actually a window here and yeah. And do you know what did I see? A full moon!

What the?

Its already night?! Shit. I just lost my chance of having Louis back. I just lost my life and its because of this kidnapper. Ugh

"Well, well look whose finally awake?"

"I'm awake all day you shit" I sassed looking at her.

Wait she look utterly familiar. She smirked as I gave her a puzzled look.

"Awww... look at princess she's still clueless" She teased

" Who are you again?"

"Cassandra. My name is Cassandra"

She's the one responsible for this.

"I am and actually I'm the one who ruined your relationship with Lou-lou" I gave her a disgusted look. So she's the one.

"Don't call him Lou-lou" I stated giving air quotations to the nickname. Sh just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. I heard your reunion will be held today so I take that as an advantage. Jeez. I told him to stay away from you so no one get hurt"

" Wait. you even change your name, do you?"

She laugh

"Emily "

"You caught on too quick huh?"

I just stayed silent

"When your out of Louis' life I took advantage but all he says is Cass" She explained

" Cass- andra " I muttered gritting my teeth and killing her very existence in my mind.

" Now what do you think is the best I could do with you?" She taunt that made me glare at her. I stand up. Its not like I'm tied up or something.

" Maybe I could just torture you"

"I'm not going without a fight" She smirks as she snap her fingers loudly.

"NA-uh-uh... not finish yet. Maybe I need a help from some of my friends" My eyes gawk at the ight of them. What the actual fudge are they doing here?


Ep! Ep! That's it kiddoz... Sorry for resting too long. Just got busy is all

Hope you enjoyed. Erm... I guess you didn't oh well! 

Wait for the next chapter then

Insert smileys here 


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