Chapter 28- Laundry? part 1

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Chapter 28- Laundry? part 1

This chapter is dedicated to you!

Cassidy's POV

I'm going back... I mean I'm calm again. Blame that super delicious marshmallows. Damn! Its so heavenly! They shouldn't really let me alone with such a thing.  Why can't I stop myself eating? Why am I asking that? Its because its delicious! That's why. Kay Kay... enough arguing with myself. I seriously need to shut up. Alright... I'm not gonna say anything now.

My thoughts were cut- well not really interrupted... it(car) just stopped all of a sudden and I be like bump my forehead hard.

"Ouch!" I winced then straightened myself sitting back touching my forehead. "I'm alright! I'm alright! I'm still alive" I said unconsciously

" I'm sorry Cass " Louis stated I just smile it off. Disregarding the pain. It didn't hurt that bad.

"Its fine. Let's take the drive thru yeah? I would do so many things" I said and they all agree besides we might encounter dangerous fans. Don't want to happen such thing again.

I just realized I forgot my job... uh scratch that... Simon already handle that but what about the meeting? jeez... maybe I could Skype him. Yep! And I'd apologize for not going and all.

"What do you want Cassidy?" Louis beamed and I just stare at him. "Mcflurry? Okay! Mcflurry it is!" He exclaimed. I'm still thinking. "Here's you're meal love" I just stare back at him.

"Hmm... Taste like McDonalds!" Niall remarked.

"Cause its made from McDonalds Ni" Zayn said then I sensed he rolled his eyes.

" Cass... why aren't you touching your food?" I look  and stare at Louis. He snickered. Thinking about what will I do later would make me tired. "You know.. Its hard to talk to yourself"

"Psycho!" Niall exclaimed then cover his mouth.  I just sigh.

"I'm just thinking... about the things I'll do later." I said with a smile. and he nodded. As he focus on the road again. "Wouldn't you eat Louis?" I asked after a minute

"Uh... well... I'm not that hungry" He answered glancing at me and I nod then look at the glass window. I didn't insist anymore.


We are back and I'm in my room while the boys are playing Xbox. I change my clothes to a blue short and a big pink T-shirt with a printed design and tied my hair in a bun. I took my laundry and go downstairs.

Yes Ill gonna do the laundry. I'm rich but I'm raised well. To be simple and be good to humankind. Such things like that as I'm carrying the hamper I tiptoed so the boys wouldn't notice me.

"Hey! Cassidy would you li--" Liam started and they all turn aroung to face me I cursed under my breath that they didn't even heard.

"What will you do to your clothes?! Are you leaving us?!" Louis screeched dramatically. I put down the hamper

"If I'm leaving... I could had used a bag does it?" I raised my eyebrow  and Liam nod obviously agreeing to me

"So what will you do to it?" Zayn asked and I smile before I could even answer Niall came with a hamper in his hands

" Cmon Cassidy I'm really looking forward to this the whole week! Can we now start?" The adorable Niall whined and I gesture for him to go

"Are you going to" I cutter the wide eyed brunette with a chuckle

"Yes Louis I'll be doing the laundry and since Niall heard about it he insist to teach him so he could help " I said with a smile "So if you don't mind ill be going now" I bowed pick up the hamper and go to where me and Niall will do the laundry. This would be an eventful and tiring day but the thrilling part here is... I'm gonna teach Niall how to do the laundry. In your face fan girls! Be jealous of me... okay I'm just kidding sorry.

When I walk in I saw Niall already starting and as I expected...  He is obviously not doing it right. I cleared my throat and he smiled at me innocently.

"Sorry" He simply murmured and I just smile and shrug.

"No worries Nialler I'm happy you're willing to help" I said and he crept that adorable grin. Now... its show time.

I sat on a small chair and fill up the basins and the washing machine since we will wash so many soiled clothes.


I've been teaching Niall for awhile and he seriously getting the hang of it which I'm proud off

"Do you mind if I ask?" Niall asked and I stop hanging the clothes and smile to his direction with a nod. "How do you know how to do this kinda stuff?"  I chuckle

"Cause I don't want to be a spoiled brat" I simply said.

"Hmm... Well what a nice girl you are" Niall exclaimed and I nod. "I wonder if I'm a great child to my mother?" He questioned then silence...

"Niall?" I asked but he didnt answer.

"Oh my gosh!" I'm a horrible child! I should be ashamed of myself!" He screeched and I look back at him in confusion.


"No! Don't look at me! I'm so horrible... How could I do this to my mother... I never helped him" He sobbed in his hands and I approach him

"Niall you're a guy its natural that you wouldn't help your mom by doing the laundry" I explained and in an instance he stop and smile at me

"Oh yeah! I'm not a horrid child after all" He chuckled. That was fast. Then when he's laughing he splashed water to me that made me dripping wet.

"Niall..." I glared at him and splashed a pail of water to him. Luckily we finished the task before having this mess. All I need to do is to hang up the clothes.

"What's happening here?!" Louis enter the room and exactly I threw the water and the 3 of them had been hitted

"Seriously? My hair... " Zayn whined. Niall and I just crept an innocent smile

"Its on" Louis muttered and with that we all know the mess will just about to start.

We splashed water to each other even the laundry soap.

I sneak to Louis' back and put a bar soap inside then bathe him with water

"Naughty little girl... come ere you!" He exclaimed I laugh in response but unfortunately he caught me.

"Now what would I do to you miss trouble maker?" Louis smirk and I just bit my bottom lip then its my time to smirk his eyebrows furrowed. "What's on your mind Missy?" I'm about to answer when...

"What the hell is this mess??!!!!" Our attention shot to the door and sure thing an angry Liam is standing. We all share looks and apologize to Liam. "Why did you make such a mess?" Liam shrug disapprovingly. I'm really guilty I should be the one whom will stop such mess but looks like I started it.

"I'm sorry Li-"

"Why did you do such a mess without me?" He grin and with he splashed us with a pail of water and the round two of our water fight has begun.


We are all tired and dripping wet and we just laugh about it while munching pizza yep we ordered.  I pity the pizza guy because he didn't escape Louis' evil plot.

This would be a more tiring day than I expected.


Thats it... guys sorry for not updating its because of my studies and mainly the storm that came to our country :( I'm really sorry. Hope you guys understand. When I got the time I typed really fast cause I don't want to make you guyz wait


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