Chapter 33- Oopsie

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Chapter 33- Oopsie

Cassidy's POV

I open my eyes in annoyance. Today is the day. I'll go back to work jeez... I shouldn't but my conscience can't handle it.

Mama told me not to waste my life

She said spread your wings my little butterfly

Don't let what they say keep your up at night

And if they give you sshhh

Then you could walk on by~~~

×•× 0//0

I remembered something....


Little Mix


Zayn's girl

My idol

Little Mix


This Morning!

"Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!" I screeched jumping to my bed. I know the neighbors will wake but! I'm gonna die!!!! No! no no I haven't meet them yet breathe in breathe out. I'm calming do--

"What happened?!" Liam? Why are--

"Are you hurt?!" Louis? What the h---

"Why are you screaming?!" Oh! First time they heard me scream..

"N-no i----" And they all speak at the same time that I can't but in "Guyzzzz.... Please!" And they silent.

"Where's Liam by the way?" I asked

"Downstairs Dani is there" Louis answered and I nod....

"oh... Zayn?"

"Weeping" Niall answered. Weep in huh? why Perrie is coming! oh! just thinking about it makes me giddy


"uhm... Perrie's flight has been moved to tomorrow" Louis explained and I heard my heart shattered to pieces. why?

"Why are you frowning bhabe?" Louis asked lifting up my chin. uhhh I don't want to explain right now

"Oh!Why you crying Cass? Cmon smile baby " Niall exclaimed while making funny faces that crept me a smile.

"Sorry guyz I'm just excited that Perrie will be here I'm just like... A Mixer" I sniffle "And mixer heart got shattered into pieces like shes coming then shes not! That's horrible!" I said dramatically. I never thought I could be a drama queen but I can't take it back now. The both boys chuckled and I pout.

"Let's go I wanna see Dani! " I insist excitedly  and Louis snickered that I didn't care of commenting on

"Sudden change of mood aren't you milady?" Louis teased I rolled my eyes and walk to my door then glare at him

"Shut up if you don't want to die" I threatened Niall laugh while Louis imaginary zip his mouth

When I got down I saw a curly headed girl which I supposed is Dani..  Danielle Peazer

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