Chapter 23- Love Drunk?

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Chapter 23- Love Drunk?

Note... POV got changed a lot at this chapter

Louis' POV

Where in the world is Cassidy?!

"Liam? Zayn? Did you saw Cassidy" I asked  more like yelling at them. ..

"I thought she's with you" Liam said panicking scanning the place. I look at Zayn

"Why would I look for her when she's with me?!" I said with a duh tone. liam shrug.

"Uhm..  I saw her at the bar there...  i told Niall to go to her" Zayn said. I smile and run to find Niall talking to someone

He didn't go to Cass?! Arghh... I go to the bar and saw Cassidy sitting. I quickly approach her and she grin at me.

"Heeeyyyyy Lllleewwwis" She blared. She's too drunk.She can't even pronounce my name right. "Coome hic drin hic" I shrug

"Cass love let's go" I state wrapping my arm around her waist but being stubborn she is

"Noooo... I'm havin hic" I chuckle a bit. Even when she's drunk she's so pretty. I tuck her hair to her ear as we both stumble

"Love you will have a one hell morning tomorrow" I said she shrug and try to stand up but failed miserably

"I ccare don't!!! Fiiinee it will hic ccauseeee yoouur here" She slurred. She's so drunk she can't even form a sentence. I chuckle.

"I'll always be Cass" She giggled. I look past Zayn and Liam and Liam nod maybe knowing what I'll do then Zayn wink. I smile

"Byyeee Lili... Z-hic z-hic... Llleeewiss... I wwantt soomee... HIC... crream ice... Bhabe" She stutter I grin the way she called me bhabe made my heart race even though I know she wouldn't remember half of this

" Hey! Why can't you" Liam covered Zayn's mouth so Zayn formed muffles. I nod

"Text us" As I'm walking... She can hardly walk so I decide to carry her bridal style. She laughed

" Y-hic Y-you know what?!" She shift closer burying her face to my face. I smile..

" no... What is it love?"

"Head.. is hurt... HIC... hic.... E-everything is pinning... "She mumble to my shirt poking her head .She's so adorable.. "Y-your wa hic warm... but.. Cas hic Cassidy can't hic sleep"

Can't breathe can't sleep, crazy

What you do to me?

Head is smoking

feeling my heart is open

So hazy but it alright

To take me

to the dark side

Dangerous but I'm fearless

Harry's POV

I'm walking down the street. Head down and my hands on my pocket. I just don't get it. I kick a rock and made a noise hitting some metal thing. I look up and saw a vending machine. I go to it and buy myself a drink.

My phone ring again for who knows how many. I get my drink and open the tin can harshly. I spotted a park and walk there then sit on a swing. I drink then.

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