Chapter 52- In His Bedroom

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Chapter 52- In His Bedroom

A/N: This is not dirty xD

Louis' POV

A knock from my door is given to life. The boys are out to fetch some groceries leaving me alone because of the salt incident thingy.

"uh c-come in" I faintly said. I can't still trust my voice. The door clicked a signal which means its open and Cass' face pop

"hey" She whisper I just smile and usher her to come in. She nod and close the door holding a tray.. that has a fork , water , a cup of tea and seperate containers filled with different ripe fruits.

Sliced apples. Peeled oranges and bananas. Seedless grapes. Cut pineapples. Mango that is sliced into chunks. Washed strawberries and cherries. Cut peaches with milk.

There's also different condiments.

I just look at her as she sit at a chair

" Cmon eat up" She said then look at me worriedly. "I'm sorry Lou I didn't meant for it to happen" then look down. I just chuckle. Even if she's seeking revenge she doesnt really want to hurt me.

"Nothing to worry about love I-Im perfectly fine. My voice is just strained" I said and she frowns. "You don't even need to prepare all of this. It felt like I'm in a hospital" I chuckled just to lighten up the mood but I guess it didn't work cause she frowns deeper.

"Uhh don't you like fruits? eh I'll just take them away" She announced taking them away but I snatched them much as to her surprised.

"I didn't say I don't like them and wouldn't eat it" I pout as her face little by little lit up.

I pick up the fork and drop it and with my playful smile I look at her.

"You sure there's no more salt in any of this?" I joked And she grins


"Well then." and started eating in delight. ahhh fresh fruits ^\\^ I then saw her in the corner of my eye while chewing.

She's just staring at me smiling widely her head resting on her palms. I fully look at her.

"Hey care to join me?" I smile and she shook his head "Aww cmon please" -insert puppy dog eyes-

"Okay then I'll just get another fork Tommo" Cass remarked standing up but I caught up on her and pulled her back to her seat.

" Share this fork with me" I commanded politely and Cassidy just blink at me adorably that made me smile. To be honest this is just my excuse so she would feed me. heheh

"But" She would tried to reason out but I shrug

"Cmon its not like I have some sort of illness or something" I assure her with a smile "and perhaps my saliva is one of a kind" I bragged and she gave me a disgusted look

"eww Lou"

"Face it love girls would kill just to share a fork with me" I smirked as she sigh in frustration. She would give in. She snatch the fork in my hand and pop the cherry in her mouth.

"Aww come on Cassy love cheer up!" I smile. teasing her is still entertaining.

"ahhh" I then said

" Okay what are you doing?" She asked. I face palmed then laugh.

"tsk. tsk. tsk. sweet innocent Cassidy you should be knowing where this thing goes" I stated shaking my head dissaprovingly she just chuckle in response. I'm still amaze in those

"alright I get it Mr. Tomlinson say 'ahh'" Cass giggles as I smile widely

"ahhh" The mango is about to go to my mouth when...

"Lou I bought you some Starbu- oh" ughhh Haz why? I pouted as the mango goes straight to my cheek


"Oh my sorry Louis sorry" Cass panicked wiping napkin in my cheek. I smile as she keep apologizing. This is the real her.

"Uhh I'll be going now. I'm really sorry Lou" then she rushed out of my room. I sighed.

Haz walked in wiggling his eyebrows "So what happened here?"

"She just want to make up from what happened"

"feeding aye?" He teased.

"Oi! What happened? I saw Cass running to her room face red" Zayn entered with Niall

"Ooh! fruits! Could I have some Loubear?!" Niall asked excitedly and give him a nod.

"She's acting weird thought she's doing revenge?"

"Maybe change of heart?" Liam stated with a smile "She backed out when she's just starting but I don't know what happened"

"So she still doesn't know that we all know that she's doing this and Louis already remembers?" Zayn cleared and we all nod.

"But we also know that this grudge of hers isn't going nowhere" Haz commented. He is right its going nowhere

"Why don't you just tell her Louis? So we could all just have fun." Niall stated then drink water.

"Nialler is right its obvious though.. You still love her and she also does. Why just don't go back together and let go of the past"

"I wish it could be simple like that" I stated looking down.

"It would be Louis just tell her the truth so she would understand. She just want explanations. She didn't really want this"

"And how could you all be sure?"

"She told me, Liam and Danielle" Niall said. She did?

"Uh yeah? Where's Danielle by the way?"

"on work"

"Enough of that Louis you need to fix this once and for all before everything would get to late"

"Yes you are all right" I said with a grin. Getting up my courage again "Tomorrow I'll tell her tomorrow"

"That's the Louis we all know"

"You would get both get through this Niall also told the same thing to Cassidy."

"Thanks so much lads" I grin

Cassidy's POV

I'm sitting in my chair leaning at the desk. Im really getting confused . I can't believe what just happened.

I'm in love with him again?

No let me rephrase that.

I still love him

I slam my tight hand to the desk. After all this years I'm still not over him damn it! I haven't think of this situation. ugh! Damn you Cassidy! he stomped your heart into pieces .. into freaking pieces!

" I can't do this anymore" I whispered fustratedy lightly pulling my hair.

I'm an idiot


Yiheee I'm done ^_^

vote and comment would be highly aprreciated

Sorry its kinda short though :(((


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