Chapter 13- Shopping with 1D part 2

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Chapter 13- Shopping with 1D part 2

Cassidy's POV

Candy store...

Im in a candy store with Harry and Louis...

I'm in the candy store with Louis....

just like the old times...

"What candy do you like?"Louis asked and I look at him like a saw a ghost.

My plan is working but more and more I'm feeling that I like Harry so its getting hard for me...  The way he comforted me that night... I know its too soon but he s so kind to me and the part that he's handsome made me fall for him even more but now... I need to focus at Louis first.

"Hello? Earth to Cass!" He said savings his hand at my face.

" Uhm... yeah... sorry Louis what were you saying?" I asked and he shrug and smile.

"I said from earlier 'what candy do you like?'" He repeated and I nod.

"I don't know... surprise me" I smile and he smiled and look at the counter. I then look at Harry going to our direction with lots of gummy bears.

"What's taking you so long?" He said chewing his candy. It might sound creepy but he looks hot.

"huh? uhm... Louis is choosing" I answered smiling.

" Your not?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.

"I make him choose for me" I said grinning and he nod looking at Louis still chewing his candy.

"Want some?" He insist and I nod with a smile and take some of his gummy worms and pop it to my mouth.

"Hey! Here I am!!!" Louis yelled running with a frown with his face. This should be fun.

I pretend that I don't hear him and take a step closer to Harry...

"Can you keep a secret?" I whisper and he nod. "I'll tell you later" I snickered. This should be good.

"Hey!" The frown in his face is very visible. I don't wanna be a bitxh but that's what he get.

"Louis!" I play innocently and he handed me the candy he gave me "thanks" when I looked at it my eyes widen.

"What's the problem? Didn't you like it?" I shake my head and he sighed a sigh of relief.

"So what were you talking about?" He pouted. "I feel like I'm always left alone and I rolled my eyes. "This..." Dropping my candies to him.

"You did not"

"But I did" I said smirking and look at Harry.

"uhm.. ma'am sir... your makina a me" before she could continue. Harry throw his candy to her.

"Candy fight!!!!" Louis yelled from the top of his lungs.

I throw candies everywhere but still Louis and Harry teamed up.

"Unfair!" and they both laughed. Even other candies that we didn't bought is scatter around thatWe also threw everywhere.

"uhm...  ma'am sir you should get out" The staff said with a furious expression  and then it hit me.

"uh... sorry. .. " I apologized then Louis and Harry pay throwing the money to her face.

My eyes widen then they run outside pulling me . What the heck?! They laughing until we reach a food chain.

"What the heck guys?!"

"Shh..  its alright" Harry winked that made my face heats up. its get me everytime.

"Where are we goin next?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Let's go to Forever 21!" Louis exclaimed and I raised my eyebrow.

"  yeah!" Harry agreed they kept shouting and yelling that attracts people attention.

"Why are we goin there?" Louis just wink at me and slide down through the escalator by sitting at the place where your hand should be in place when riding it.

"Weee!!" He yelled bumping some people in the process.

"What the heck?! did you..." I cutted myself cause I saw Harry pushing me and also sliding too. "FUUUCK YOOOUU HAREEEH!!!!" I stumble going down.

"You can thank me later" He said with a smirk. What an actual fuck?! I swear if I got down alive Ill straighten his curls.

When I reach the bottom Louis caught me before my face get contact with the floor. I balance myself and straighten my clothes and I saw a grinning Louis

"Isn't that fun?" He asked and I look away seeing Harry returned. Its actually fun but...

"Hey! Its fun! Let's do it again!" Harry cheered and the people we bump along the way are mumbling things..

"Are you crazy Harold?!" I asked and they both laugh.

"Don't pretend you didn't have fun." He smile cheekily.

"I guess... I did..." I said looking down and they both grin at me. I'm glad I'm wearing  jeans or else I'm really going to kill them both.

"So... why are we going to Forever 21 again? What will you buy there?" I asked again hopefully not gonna repeat it again.

"uhmm... " They look at each other and smirk then look at me. This isn't good is it? "To buy you a new wardrobe"  Then pull me.

"But I don't need a new..."  Louis placed his pointer finger to my lips and I nod so he placed away slowly his finger.

I sighed entering the shop. Louis and Harry are looking racks to racks and they just throwing clothes at me.

"Guys... please.." I'm always getting cut. do they even want to buy the whole shop?

and we go to the cashier.. no scratch that... they pulled me to the cashier. I saw the whole store almost emptied. They placed everything... Jeans, shorts, bags, boots, flipflops, shirts, crop tops, you name it... I don't even know which is which.

"Louis! Harry! I didn't even try them!" I said and they look at me with grin.

"Don't worry love we already handled that" Harry said with a smirk.

"Give us a fashion show tonight" Louis wink then they pay for all of it.

"Don't even pay!!!" Then Louis shrug with a smile while Harry grin with amusement in his eyes. I just sighed.

"Let's go to the next shop!!" Louis exclaimed as we exit the shop and my mouth hang open.

"We are not done yet?! We almost emptied the Forever 21" I said they look back at me. "Look... we can't even carry another bag!"

"Trust us" Louis said.

"You didn't have to.. really... I have so many clothes"

"But we want you to buy a new wardrobe for you" Harry pouted

"Fine! But don't spend to much"

"We are members from a biggest  band love" don't remind me

Oh. my. gush. this will be a long day..


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