Chapter 9- New Friendship

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Chapter 9- New Friendship

Cassidy's POV

At last... the unpacking is done. I lay in bed getting comfy and just stare at the ceiling. What am I even doing here? Should I really go and do my plan to take revenge? This isn't worth it... but still when I think about it...


I love you

You love me?

Yeah... am I not sound sure?

No... its just...


Wait..  Don't shout... I didnt-


-End of Flashback-

My eyes blurred and my cheeks became wet.

"You're stupid" I muttered throwing a pillow. "You're fucking stupid!" I yelled and immediately covered my mouth when I realized what I've said then laid down again


love is the cause of my pain...

My pain..

The pain that I would never forget...


The trust I gave him fades..

Trust is always needed in love...

He ask forgiveness...


To forgive you should need trust...

But unfortunately it's gone...

then it ends there..

Like a bubble...

or Forever buried treasure...

all because of you...

"Hey... what you thinking?" I quickly sat up and wipe my tears "You crying?" Harry frown

"W-what are you doing here?!" Don't you know how to knock?!" I stated , well more of panicked and he just give me those cheeky laugh I always see on television.

"Sorry Cassidy. I heard you curse and I thought something happened and then I saw you crying" He said defending his actions. Well fair enough.

"Thanks for checking but you don't need to worry" I smiled weakly. He sat down to a chair

" You know a beautiful girl like you shouldn't cry" He said while pouting and my cheeks burned. It's true that he is a flirt but still... why am I falling for it?

"uh... I'm sorry" I said what am I saying? then I cried.okay pathetic Cassidy, pathetic... You only met this guy now .... ugh!

"Uh..  don't cry love... uhm... " He hugged me and unexpectedly I hug back. Shoot Cassidy! What are you doing?! "sshhh" I then let go and he gave me a smile

"I'm sorry" I said sniffling. Embarrassing

" You can tell me everything"

"Let's just say I fell in love" I said. What am I even saying? He nod. He didn't push me to say anything more and I'm glad for that then he give me a handkerchief and I gladly took it.

"Stop crying now love" He said and I smile.

"Thanks" I mumble while wiping my tears. "So are you still watching Barney?" He laughed.

"I gave up. Zayn is sleeping and the others I think are watching" He replied why don't they just change the CD? "Cause they are afraid of you?"

"Wait did you just read my mind?" I asked scared of the answer. Is he a psychic?

"Nope! You said it out loud" He said smiling showing his dimples. A sigh of relief escape from my lips

"I really thought you're a psychic that can read people's minds" He chuckled and I smile. I love it when he smile.

Okay where did it came from? Okay. I might have like his dimples, seriously who wouldn't?

"You what love?" He asked with a smirk and I got back to reality

"Sorry i kind of zoned out. what were you saying?" I asked shrugging and he smiled

"You said you love me" He stated then wink my face heats up

"I d-did?" I asked and he laughed

"Just kidding love, just kidding"

"Harry!" I whined

"Cassidy!" He mimicked my tone that I found cute then I yawn.

"aww... you must be tired" He said stroking my blonde curly hair

"Stop!" I whined. he just laugh in return

"Goodnight love" He kissed my forehead then stand up

"Goodnight Harry" I said then he wave before he exit then close the door while I lay down and close my eyes.

I hope the memories won't haunt me again at least not tonight.



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