Chapter 54- You Complete Me

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Chapter 54- You Complete Me

A/N: Uhm this chapter is more of drama. could you please write a comment for what you think cause I don't know if I can express it right. thanks

Some cursing may occur

Cassidy's POV

I plop down to my temporary bed. Ugh. What should I do now? I stare at the ceiling for awhile.

Should I leave?

or not?

I roll in my bed in frustration. Why is it a big deal for me anyways? Another sigh escaped my lips. Maybe a nap could help me for awhile.

I was about to close my eyes when I heard a knock. My eyes completely snapped open

"uhh... Cass can I come in?" My eyes widen in an instant. What the heck does he want from me?! oh my!

What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?!

I quickly sprint and fix my things like it would help. I fix my hair, look in the mirror and finally said the word 'Come in'

This is the case if you like someone. Insert sigh here. Why is he even here?

He walked in closing shut the door. I sweatdropped. Oh my I'm nervous. He give me a faint smile walking to my chair and sit comfortably into it. I just stare at him in confusion. Why don't you drop the beans already?! errrr....

"Uhh Lou hey. What do you need?"

"Dont leave us" He whispered looking directly at my eyes. I'm searching an emotion from him but he is dead serious.

"Uh Louis you know-" He cut me mid sentence

"No Cassidy I don't know but you should know one thing" He said standing up. I gulp nervously. "Don't leave me alone" My eyes widen

"I uhh" No. Don't Cassidy. He left you. Don't be vulnerable in his sight. "And why is that so?" I challenged him. He took my both hands

"You complete me"

I withdraw my hands from him. My eyes still wide. No. It can't be. My jaw dropped as well as my heart that still beats for him. he do remember after all.

"Y-you remember" Way to stutter Cassidy.

" I love you bhabe" My tears threaten to spill. How dare he say that?! After he left me all alone in that play ground leaving me shattered and broken.

" I think.. I think I should leave" I said messing my hair a little and taking in a sharp shaky breath.

"Please Cass... let me explain" He pleaded pulling me by the arm. Now he is the one pleading. I face him feeling the liquid running down my cheeks to my jawline

"Louis. You are crazy. I hate you. Every part of me hates you. You made me yours then you left me. Now you are taking me back?! That's bullshit!" I retorded. He is so unfair.

"Sshhh I'm sorry love. I'm so sorry" He cooed wiping my tears away with his thumb and hugged me, kissing my forehead

"Just let me explain please" He mumbled through my hair. I tried to wiggle free but he just tighten his grip. Damn that muscular arms of yours

"L-louis I don't wanna hear whatever you want to say" I hiccuped cause it wouldn't work. "Just let me go Lou like you did 2 and a half years ago" I whisper to his shirt. I can't take anymore pain but to think of it I started this.

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