Chapter 20- Cooking Lesson

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Chapter 20- Cooking Lesson

Cassidy's POV

"uhmm..  Louis.. you could let go now" I mumble and he did with his cheek reddening. He scratch the back of his neck. "Uh.. Niall... we got food!"

Niall immediately attack me and hold the bag "Thanks Cassidy!" He said grinning. I nod and give it to him. He go to the kitchen and Zayn followed.

"Just to make sure he didn't eat it all" Zayn stated walking.

"So... what happened when I'm a gone?" I asked crossing my arms and tapping my foot so I could capture the angry impatient mother figure eyeing her two sons.

"uh... Louis here is going mad walking around the room muttering sulking and other crazy stuffs" Liam explained. Good explanation from Liam Payne

"And why?" I asked eyeing Louis while raising an eyebrow

" Uh.. erm.."

"Don't worry Louis we can go out after my cooking lesson with Kylie" I smile. His face immediately light up. ha! I'm a good mother blehh

"Seriously?!" Joy filled with his voice. I nod with a grin.

" Hey! Hey... Cmon eat... Niall can finish it off you know and what's with Louis grinning like that? its creepy" Zayn state then walk back to the kitchen.

"Let's go then shall we?" And we walk seeing Niall stuffing his face with food and Zayn

"Seriously? Where are you putting all of that?" I asked sitting and so the others

"I don't know.. ask my tummy buddy" He said patting his stomach. I sighed.

"I'm gonna change first" I said standing up and walking upstairs to my room and jumping into bed then just stare at nowhere.

"I'm sleepy" I muttered. my eyes closed slowly until I fall asleep.




If I don't say this now

I will surely break

As I'm leaving

the one I want to take

Forgive the urgency

But hurry up and wait

My heart has started to....


That voice... very familiar

oh oh oh oh oh oh

Be my baby

oh oh oh oh oh

oh oh oh oh oh oh

Be my baby

And I'll look after you

My eyes open wide and immediately it had tears. I quickly sit up. no no no

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