Chapter 39- Out Of Town

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Chapter 39- Out Of Town

Chapter dedicated to lynezxcv Hope you would enjoy wink wink

Cassidy's POV

My eyes flicker and realized I wasn't in the living room anymore. I scan the new environment. I'm now in my room. How did I got here? Hmmpf.  Who cares maybe Louis or Niall carried me here.

I stand up and stretch a little bit. I make my bed and go straight to the bathroom and do my daily routine. Its like that it matters. As I was about to leave my room I saw a marshmallow packet. Isn't that supposed to be inside that red suitcase? hmmm. strange. Asking ni more questions I pick it up and open it just to eat those heavenly taste marshmallows. I'm too lazy to analyze why is this marshmallows out of that bag.

I go downstairs and I must admit its kinda quite. What happened to them? I just continue walking to the kitchen to make myself some tea when a flying toast came to view. I quickly caught it up.

"Why is there a flying toast?!" I said louder than it should be

"Oh, I thought it would be fun greeting you with a toast Cass!" Someone yelped which I assume is Harry but I shrug it off until I MRT those green eyes.

"Honey I'm home"

My eyes widen. Smile crepting to to my face as I analyze him more and convincing myself that this time this is real.


"The one and only!

"Oi! He might melt" Zayn commented which I rolled my eyes at

"Get a picture it might last long" Louis suggested while snogging with his sandwich.

"Nah Harry looks better in real life" I wink at Has and wrapped my arms around him.

"Awww miss you Harry"

"Miss you too!" Hr hug back "and I see you are already dropping that strict character of yours love"

"Ssssh that's a secret" I joked and he smiled and nod playing along. Its good to have Harry back.

"Good morning" Liam mumble "What's the fuss all about" He said groaning while picking up a cup of coffee. I chuckle abit pushing some loose hair at the back of my ear.

"Hey mate. Long time no see" Harry said. Liam is sipping his coffee and his eyes widen looking at Harry

"Tell me I wasn't dreaming" He said and I shake my head no. A smile immediately plastered to his face. My, my,  and with that  they share a bone crushing hug

"Group hug!!!!" Louis yelled and with that they did and soon Dani joined in. I was just watching them with amusement and later on I should clean up the broken mug.

"Cass come and join us!" Dani yelped and I just shrug but then Louis just pull me and yah.. We all shared the experience no words are spoken and its enough that way.


"So Haz what happened to Kylie?" Zayn chirped as well are sitting at the livingroom.

"Uh.." Harry us about to answer when Niall accidentally sit on the remote opening the television. Our eyes look at the TV focusing on it more when Kylie's name is mentioned.

"Kylie Olivia Williams daughter of one of the successful man in London is now engaged."

"You already pop the question?! That's aweso-" Louis is cutted mid sentence and also their celebration

"Yes, I'm already engage to Nathaniel Stones" She confirmed and I could see all of their facial expresion

Confused, sad, angry name it.

"What happened to you and Harry Styles from the boy band One Di-" The Television was turned off and we all looked at Harry then he threw the remote and it was a moment of silence.


He look to every single one of us and smile widely.

"Hey don't be so emotional guys. She deserve to be happy." He remarked and grin "Now let's just have fun"

"Ooh! What about we go somewhere?! Me Louis and Cassidy have planned everything out." Niall exclaimed and everyone seemed to agree well except for me.

"Harry aren't you tired from all the travelling?" I questioned frowning. He just got here. He might having a jet lagged

"No not all" Harry answered shaking his head and I nod.

"Let's roll!" Niall said winking at me.

"Where are we going?" Asked Liam and both me and Niall look at Louis. He just grin at us.

" its a secret just bring clothes, towel, uhmm... swimming clothes if you want and other personal things." Louis reminded and series of okays and alright is heard all over the place.

"Nialler!" I called out and he snapped his head into my direction.


"Meet me at the kitchen when you are done" He smiles nervously. Will do and then I go to my room and started to get ready.

Niall's POV (Nyahahaha getting more often aye?)

Soo.. I was done packing and I was nervously walking to the kitchen. I don't know but I felt guilty for going through her private things. Maybe she found out.

I look at her in the kitchen and saw her preparing food. There is so many

"Cmon Niall are you gonna stand there or you would help me?" She said wiggling her eyebrows and I quickly enter the room helping her. It was a complete silent until we finished packing.

"Thank goodness you sneakily didn't eat anything" She remarked and I just stick my tounge out but then her face became serious and I felt the tension the room. "Niall. is there something you wanted to say?"

I gulped. "Whyd you asked?"

"I just got a feeling"

"I-I dont"

"Well I just thought maybe" I cutted her with a sigh. I can't hold it anymore. My conscience can't hold it anymore.

"I go through to your things" I said looking at the floor like its the only amusing thing to do.

"You go through my what?!!!" She yelped. And I squeeze my eyes shut. I was mortified. Its my fault anyway so I really deserve a slap. She sigh heavily.


"Last night when I carry you to bed" I whisper looking at her and I could say she's really disappointed


"t-the red suitcase"

Her eyes widen face flushed. I swear she want to throw something at me or just beat me up.

"Heeey everything alright?" Zayn entered the kitchen.

"Y-yeah Zayn can you please take the food to the fan"

"okay!" Zayn replied doing what Cass told

"Y-you what?" she hissed

"I-im so sorry Cass. I can't help it. I'm so curious" I muttered

"You know what? you are so... arch! Forge about it" And with that she walked away. I shouldn't have done that in the first place.


So that happened.

meheheh. please vote and comment



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