Chapter 32- Silly Argument

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Chapter 32-Silly Argument

Liam's POV

"What the heck were you two doing?" I said dissapointment is clearly heard at my tone.

"We are sorry Lili" They both said in unison. As much as I want to hug them I can't cause they seriously might burn the house if we didn't came home early. Specially at Cassidy..I'm really disappointed. Not that I don't like her showing her true self but I'm just so worried that they are both hurt. The strict Cassidy is gone now and even though this happened Its still better. I sighed pretending I'm frustrated

"Okay... I'm gonna let you get away with this but please guys next time be careful" I said and they both crept a smile.

"Really?! Oh my gush! Thanks Lili" Cassidy jump and will go give me a hug but I stepped backward. She frown

"Take a shower first young lady" I said with a chuckle. She look at herself

"Oh yeah sorry about that. Excuse me then I'll just take a shower" She grin and off she go. The thing about her is that she could be bubbly and serious at the right time.

"So... Louis" I plopped down to the couch. Zayn and Niall are at the kitchen so I'm alone with Louis. I smirk at him.

"What?" He asked chuckling softly I hope they had a fun day together. The house is a mess now and its really frustrating. They're lucky cause Zayn and Niall insist of cleaning because Perrie will visit tomorrow

" Did you have fun?" I smirk. I know that he knew what I'm talking about. His face redden. His really into the girl. I'm happy Cassidy is not doing anything to get Louis back anymore. I just hope that when Cassidy told Louis, he would not be mad. But I know he wouldn't . He can't bare being mad at the girl he love and say that he have past with this girl. This girl is not a girl to us anyway she's part of the family now... And that girl is no. other than Cassidy.

"Harry ring me" Louis stated with a small smile changing the subject.He probably miss Harry and we also do. I nod

"He also ring us" I said with a smile then I realizes something. "Hey! Don't change the topic!" I exclaimed and he chuckled and shook his head. heh think he could get away with my question

" I thought I'd get away with it" I shake my head no

"Just spill out Tommo"

"Okay okay don't be that excited... Oh Zayn Niall great timing I'm gonna tell you a story" Louis said with a shy smile.

"Wait! Ill gonna get the bowl of popcorn!" Niall exclaimed hurriedly running to the kitchen. Oh Nialler

Cassidy's POV

So... Im in the shower refreshing every second of what happened today... Its not really the end of the day to do so but who the hell cares?! I'm being so attached to this boys lately my 2 months are almost up. Jeez... That day would surely be horrible not just for me but also the boys downstairs. I could feel my lips frowning just imagining this things. urgh! Erase! Erase! Erase! I should just enjoy this moments and the fun they're giving me

After I swim away I run into the kitchen shrieking because of the wind hitting me

" Uh c-cold " I stutter shivering when I open the door a bucket fell and I slip to a unknown liquid. Guess what it is?

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