Chapter 38- Red Suitcase

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Chapter 38- Red Suitcase

This chapter is dedicated to crazy_stupid_young Thank you!

Niall's POV (meheheh :3 a chapter just for Niall)

We head downstairs and there I saw Louis waiting for us with a smile. I sat down at the floor while Louis laid at the love seat and Cassidy sitting beside me.

We are watching Titanic and I just can't focus at the movie. My mind still lingers at that suitcase. I swear that's something. I'm so curious that im itching  to go there and just open that damn bag.

As seconds past by I swear I'm going mad I can't take it any longer. I stand up but realize Cassidy is now sleeping leaning her head at the couch and I could sense Louis is too. I turn off the DVD player and carry Cassidy to her room.

I flicker the lights on while I put her small frame in the bed. I pit blanket above her and kiss her forehead.

"Sleep tight. Dream of Lou" I smile as I'm exiting her room I have a glimpse of that suitcase again and its getting on my nerves.

I step closer and stare at it for a bit. Is this even right? No. So why would you do it? I'm now talking to myself great. Im having second thoughts wether or not but then curiosity gets the best in me. I walk closer and carefully unzip it like its a fragile thing that would break any second. I look at Cassidy saw her still sleeping. I gulp and open it more until I felt Cassidy shift from her position that made me nervous and completely close the bag and stand up immediately.

"I-ughh" I tried to explain while looking at my shoes ashamed of what I've done but when I look up to her. She is still sleeping. I sighed heavily. Release the breath I didn't know I was holding.

See told you Niall it is not a very good idea.

I walk over to the door and close it while heading downstairs but stop in mid tracks . I sigh once again. I need to go back.

I re enter the room and stare at the bag. Thus time no turning back Niall. Its now or never

"You can do this" I muttered and push myself to go inside. I was walking back again to the suitcase. I open it carefully once again. Once I fully open it. my hands shaking from nervousness. I don't even know why. I got a feeling whatevers inside of thus bag is Cassidy's biggest or darkest secret.

I sigh once again and wipe the sweat that is forming in my forhead. I then pull out something. I close my eyes while doing so as I put the thing on the cold hard floor I slightly open my eyes. Only to be greeted by a...



Marshmallow packet?

This is all it? I chuckle a bit. I'm nervous of nothing. I look inside the bag and saw marshmallows. That girl is really addicted. I was about to stuff it back when I saw a wood like structure.

Now, what is that? My curiosity is growing again so I pulled it out. Oh its a picture frame. Ther is carving in the back.

The stars will be the witness of my love for you

Aww... Sweet. I turn the picture frame around and my jaw dropped and also the frame but thank God I caught it. Gush! I'm so shocked. How come I didn't know this? For Pete's sake. They know each other before all of this. How come Lou or Cassidy didn't tell us?

The photo in the frame is Cassidy smiling while Louis kissed her checks and they seem like in the roof and there background are the stars above.

Cassidy and Louis?

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