Chapter 27- The shell has been cracked

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Chapter 27- The shell has been cracked

This chapter is dedicated to skylertomlinson24. Thanks for the vote

Cassidy's POV

We watch as the planes fly by. I wish the heartache also flies by. No offence I'm glad Harry fight for his feelings, feelings for Kylie not Cassidy. If that make sense. And Simon might also kill me cause Harry fly away to France but hey heart always get what it wants. That quote is not for me obviously.

"So... guys Shall we head back?" Liam asked I nod. Eager to plop down to my comforting bed.

"Cassidy! You finished so many mallows lately! You like them so much do you?" Zayn laughed and then it hit me my eyes widen and also Louis? How would h-...

"Yeah! I knew it! We could be food buddies!"

"C-cassidy? You okay?"

Louis' POV

My eyes widen. No!

"See... I told you guys not to give her marshmallows when she finished the second packet!" Now I'm panicking.


Now its interrogation time. I hold Cassidy close to me  while shes still starring nowhere and we sat at the bench near where we watch the planes

"But its her favorite" Niall argued

" That's why when she eating those I a- someone's there to stop her. You see she gets hyper and all." I explained stutter at the middle part wouldn't want the boys to know yet. It not a bad thing that she go act like that. Its the real her but decided to hide it guess because of me and she doesn't really want to expose herself. 

"What do we do then?" Zayn asked this time panick and worried is written in his face

"Just don't let go just by herself. She must be always with us. So keep you're eyes to our girl" Liam instructed being the sensible one he is. I glance back at her, I'll see back your true self again Cassidy and I can't wait.

"She's gonna know her true self?" Niall questioned and I nod Zayn eyebrows furrowed. I scratch the back of my neck.

"Elaborate please" Zayn stated and its my time to furrow my eyebrows. What should I say?

"Uh.. well..  its like... its kinda" I trailed of which doesn't lead us to somewhere and that's when my lifesaver came to the rescue

"Uh...Louis here wants to say that Cassidy's true colors will be shown She will born again with brightnest! We will meet a new but true Cassidy!" Liam explained. Uh... not that close

"What? Its more confusing" Zayn said and Niall nod. Liam then look at me

"Not even close Sorry Lili" I stated and he bit Hus bottom lip

"Hurtful" He muttered "Okay... simplier explanation... We will see Cassidy' s true self"

"Thats what I said earlier" I said and he playfully glare at me.

"Shut up! Guyz please let's just go!" Cassidy yelled. We all nod like kids.

"I thought shell be her true self but nothing change Lou" Niall muttered.

"I heard that" Cass glared at him. He turn her heel back when "Oh my gush! You're such a cutie!" She told a little kid.

"See?" I laughed then Cassidy glare at me

"What he's cute" I raise my hand in defense and the others laugh

"I think we will love the true Cassidy! right boys?" Liam asked and we all stifle a chuckle. At last my Cassidy is back.

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