Don't cry my kitten

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Kitty C. Hatter was frantically pacing up and down in the cottage wondering if David had managed to make it to Snow on time, when suddenly a wave of magic came through the house and she knew the curse had been broken. She smiled to herself and got back to work cleaning up the house for her husband returning from her fathers castle. She was shell shocked when her father allowed her to move out and to a cottage with her portal jumper and his sweet little daughter Grace who she adored with all her heart and couldn't be happier when Grace accepted her as her step mother but she just called her mama, but she was even more shocked when her father gave his blessing for the marriage. 

Kitty could be described as unordinary by people due to her appearance, she had two big beautiful blue cat eyes, two cat ears on top of her head and a blue and grey stripped cat tail. Kitty enjoyed baking at home, Grace usually acompanied her in the kitchen but the little girl wasn't home right now so Kitty was baking by herself. She was humming songs to herself as she was sweeping the floor so she never heard Jefferson come up behind her and put his hands over her eyes "Geuss who my love?" Kitty gasped dropping the brush in shock when Jefferson had covered her eyes before she played along "oh no I wonder who it could be!" She giggled and turned around wrapping her arms around his neck, as her tail swayed happily behind her "oh look it's a portal jumper in my home." She gasped faking shock, "your portal jumper, my love." He chuckled and kissed her.

"What was my father saying today dear?" She asked as she let him go, beginning to look around for her apron not knowing where she had left it, but not realising she was already wearing it, " not much, asking about those magic slippers again, another daily threat about breaking your heart and talk about him getting a serv- Kitty my darling, what are you looking for?" Jefferson asks her as he notices that she is looking around. She turned to look at Jefferson as he removed his jacket and top hat "my apron I swear I left lying around here somewhere! I don't know where I put it after baking!" She says throwing her hands up and Jefferson laughed at his wife "my dear look down." She did as he said and saw that she was wearing it, she laughed at herself "sorry my love you know my brain has not been completely up to scratch, you do have my sincerest apologies. I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached." He nodded and came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, hands resting on her waist. 

"When are you going to work again?" She turned in his arms again as she asked him and just hugged her husband. "Your father said he didn't request anything at the minute just that he'd like to see you and Grace more." Kitty loved that her father, who is the dark one, bonded with her step daughter so quickly and that he started calling her his granddaughter and Grace called him Grandpappy gold due to the way his skin glowed, but who she hadn't heard from in a while was Regina, the evil Queen people called her, she felt bad for her friend because she had also befriended Snow White and was very close with the kind woman and David the prince that had stolen her heart. Kitty had been best friends with David for most of their lives, he was sort of like an annoying overprotective brother but she did love him in a friendship kind of way.

Jefferson noticed her worried face because he knew his wife like the back of his hand "what's wrong my darling." She released her husband and sighed as her hand came up to hold onto her necklace that Jefferson had gotten her "I'm worried my love, I know that me and Regina are very good friends but I worry that she would use me to get back at my father or even just try to get back at me for being friends with Snow and David." She sniffled a little thinking about how her best friend had become evil, she remembered when Regina was good, before she had lost her love... it hurt Kitty to remember that Regina, her husband hugged her again. 

"Don't cry my kitten! It'll be alright besides I'll never let anything happen to you or our daughter. We'll always be together, I promise. Now why don't we finish baking before Grace gets home from the neighbour's house hmmm?" She nodded and pulled her husband in for a sweet kiss. "Let's get these cakes finished then my love." She says with a grin and Jefferson nods rolling up his sleeves waiting for Kitty's orders on what to do, it was a well known fact that Jefferson could cook very very well but he couldn't bake to save himself.

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