Please Don't Be Mad At Me

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Kitty didn't dislike the dark castle, but she didn't particularly like it either, she didn't know how she felt about it... she just knew it wasn't a very fun place to run around as a five year old with no friends or siblings but she did try her best to make it fun, she had started talking to the paintings that her father had hanging on the walls and she would run around the gardens for hours chasing after butterflies and sometimes the occasional rabbit that made its way into the garden, she would explore areas of the castle she hadn't been to yet and sometimes when her father left she would play with the things in the glass cases that he had in the dining room but currently she was lying on top of the main dining table on her stomach drawing pictures for her father.

He had been in a foul mood recently because he had made no leads in finding Baelfire and he had been really short tempered with Kitty and so she wanted to make him happy and make him smile so here she was drawing pictures, she had tried to draw him in one of the pictures but it looked more like deformed lizard with hair and clothes. She tried to draw some flowers and then she tried to draw the dark castle and she was colouring in the drawing excited to show it to her father, she knew that he was up in his tower working out how to find Baelfire so she would take her drawing up to him to give them to him. She was also getting quite hungry sometimes when her father got distracted with work he would forget about meals, usually it didn't bother Kitty but she hadn't eaten anything yet and her stomach was beginning to complain loudly.

She took her drawing happily skipping and spinning through the hallways and she began heading towards her fathers tower. She loved her home but there was so many stairs! By the time she would reach her fathers tower she would need a lie down, but she soldiered on and pushed herself up the stairs to her father, she missed him when he was busy, she would never tell him that of course, she never wanted to be selfish or put her needs before someone else's so she would stay quiet to keep her father happy... or rather as happy as he could be whilst he was in a bad mood. Kitty made up it up all the stairs and she saw her father walking around looking at things and moving them onto a table, his fireplace was lit making the tower quite warm and Kitty walked up the last few stairs and smiled seeing her father. 

"Hi dad!" She said with a smile waving but she never got a response back, it made her feel a little bit upset that he ignored her but she tried not to let it show and so she walked over towards the table he was standing at and she could hear him talking to himself "dad?" She asks quietly and he briefly glances at her before looking away "I'm busy right now kitty." He says and continues moving around going to his book shelf to look for a particular book "I know I just... I drew you some pictures... to make you happy. I thought that you would like them!" She says and he doesn't even respond to her and she sighs her ears falling flat on her head and her tail stops moving behind her "I'll just put them on the table." She says and reaches up to put them onto the table but she doesn't see the candle and knocks it over lighting her fathers papers on fire. 

She gasped in fright making Rumple quickly use his magic and look at the burnt papers before he turns to Kitty absolutely furious "YOU STUPID GIRL! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" He shouts at her and she flinched away from him. She can feel the tears in her eyes stinging "I only wanted to bring you these pictures." She says holding them up and he grabbed them from her and waved them in her face "do you have any idea how important those papers were!!! Any idea!!! Just because you wanted to leave your ridiculous drawings!" He shouts tearing up her pictures making her gasp and she begins crying when he throws the paper into the fire and he looks back at her "Now because of you I might not be able to find Bae! Get out of here! I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day! Go!" He screams at her and she runs down the stairs out of her fathers tower sobbing.

She runs to her tower not stopping and she bursts into her room running to her bed burying her face in her pillow as she began to sob her little heart out, she had upset her father and even worse she might have caused him to lose his chance at finding Baelfire, she was practically choking on her sobs when she heard a voice from behind her "well he was a bit harsh." She hears and screams in fright as she turns to face the voice and she sees a young boy, a teenager sitting on her window ledge smiling at her "it's okay! It's okay! I'm a friend." He says with a smile and she tilts her head to the side curiously, her cat eyes wide as she looks over the boy. She slowly slides off of her bed and moves to stand in front of him "but how did you get in here? Dad said he put magic up to keep me safe..." Kitty trails off and the boy laughs as he looks at her.

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