Hello Mr.Jefferson

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Cathy was awake at 7:25 for some reason it's like her body wouldn't let her sleep so she got up and picked a cute pink dress skater dress with a white apron, I look like a pink Alice she joked in her head with a little spin by her mirror before going downstairs and checking for mail. She began heading to the shop but stopped at granny's diner first to grab a breakfast muffin, she absolutely loved talking to Granny about cooking and they both shared tips for each other's food. Cathy also taught Granny how to make some desserts and Granny taught Cathy how to make meals to be able to cook for herself and her father, and she appreciated that.

She opened the door to Granny's "Your Favourite Annoying Baker is here!!!!!" She shouted and Granny smiled and laughed while Ruby ran to hug her. "Cat!" Ruby shouted as she hugged her, "what's up Rube?" She said as they parted, "oh not much, just serving and cleaning, how's business in Wonderland?" Ruby asked her, knowing just how much she adored her café " same as always a few new people and my regulars, but I'm thinking about trying out some new stuff, once I get my flavouring order I'm gonna try it out." Granny walked over "let us give it a try first before you sell it and I'll give you my opinion." Cathy nodded 

"always Granny, you know how much your guys comments mean to me about my food." Granny smiled she always loved Cathy like another child, "so what can I get for my favourite baker." Granny asked "a breakfast muffin with extra cheese and a white coffee, please Granny." She said as she was taking out her purse, "put that purse away, young lady you know your moneys no good here." Granny told her and Cathy knew that you don't argue with Granny so instead when Granny left to cook she slipped $20 into the tips jar.

She arrived at the bakery for 8:07 and she saw another rose outside, she smiled and picked up the rose looking at it, for a minute "who put you there?" She muttered to herself but took it inside nonetheless, she took off her trench coat and got organised mixing up batter as quickly as possible to get it into cases or tins or molds so she could have fresh cakes ready for 9:00. She was mixing up icing when her phone bleeped, it was a text from Regina. Well more of a link to the daily mirror.

Stranger destroys historic sign

Under the headline was a picture of Emma Swan. "Oh my Clocks." She has a bad feeling about this, She checked how long each cake had left . They all had at least 40 minutes which would be alright to leave on there own as she ran out locking the café behind her and heading to the sheriff station. She walked in and saw Graham sitting against his desk "hey sis, what's up?" He said hugging her. "Oh not much but what is this about?" She said flashing him the picture of the article, "look I found her in her car unconscious after smashing into the sign, there was no sign of any other cars or anything so I'm putting down as drunk driving. Plus Regina did invite her in for a drink last night." Graham explained, "does she need bailed out or anything." Graham shook his head.

"no she'll be released in a few hours. Why do you care about this?" Graham asked her, "because I know how badly Henry has always wanted to know his birth mother. It's all the little guy talks about, so I don't want him to lose her after just finding her, you know? Cause if that was me and I found my real parents I would be heartbroken if they got ripped away from me like that." Graham nodded "yeah I understand." She smiled and hugged him again "you always do Gray." She said before walking up to Emma's cell but seeing another good friend of hers "Hello Marco! How are you doing today?" She adored Marco because he was such a sweet old man, she would have tea with him every Wednesday in her Café and he told her how much it helped his loneliness and plus he was always available to help her if there was a problem at the café. 

"I'm good Cathy, how is my favourite barista? Good I hope?" She pulled her signature grin "just swell Marco, just swell." He smiled back before going to talk to Graham so Cathy approached the cells and noticed Leroy in the other cell "hey when Graham let's you out later stop by my café it's on main street just a little further along from Granny's, it's called Wonder Café I'd love to get to know you if you don't mind. And Leroy I'll have your usual ready for you at your regular time." She said kindly with a kind smile, "bless you sister." Leroy said as she went to leave she shouted in "Gray, I'll have fresh donuts ready by 9:45 if you need more!" He smiled and shouted back "of course, I always need more donuts little sister!" As she left, Emma was confused "she's your sister? You guys don't sound related?" Graham laughed loudly, he wouldn't admit it but her loved when people would say that, it was amusing to him because he loved Cathy like a sister.

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