What's happening in Storybrooke

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Kitty got dressed and looked down at Anidori as the little giggle gurgled and laughed she picked her up and cradled her close, rocking them both back and forth "now little Missy, we have to go out and help Regina... yes we do... so let's get you all cosy before we go ay?" She coos at the little baby who just gurgles up at her and Kitty kisses her forehead and gets her changed into warmer clothes before she goes down to see Jefferson, Grace and Jack all sitting in their living room.

"Are you heading out?" Jefferson asks looking over at her and Anidori and Kitty nods "yeah, 'Gina seemed really panicked on the phone I wanna check if she's okay, and besides I have to check on the others." She says and Jefferson nods "maybe we should all go and see if everyone else is okay." He says and the two kids jump up and run over to get their shoes and coats.

"Let's go slow coaches!" Jack says grabbing his staff from where he left it beside the door and Grace laughed at him "we're coming hold on." Kitty says and they head to the car where Kitty sees that there is already a car seat in the vehicle. "Okay... that's new but very helpful." Kitty says and they all get into the car after Kitty straps in Anidori.

They drive to Main Street and park near Granny's "okay I'm going to head to Regina's office." Kitty says and Grace unbuckled and held Anidori "can I take dori with us?" She asks and Kitty smiles at her both because Grace wants to take care of her sister but also because of the nickname she used for her "of course sweetheart." She says smiling at Grace who holds the baby extremely carefully.

Kitty gives Jefferson a kiss and kisses the top of the children's heads before she walks to Regina's office and she finds the woman pacing back and forth "'Gina?" She says and the woman quickly turns to her "your here thank god! Someone cursed us! I can't remember a damn thing!" Regina says and Kitty nods her head and sits down on the edge of Regina's desk.

"So the counter curse did work?" Kitty says and Regina nods her head "yes it worked we definitely went back, the question is... why are we now back here." Regina says and Kitty nods her head "so this wasn't you?" She asks just to make sure and Regina gives her an unimpressed look "no! It was not me! I would quite like to know who it was so I can work on getting my memories back!" She says to Kitty who nods.

"Why don't we go for a walk and see how everyone else is doing, maybe one of them have their memories?" Kitty suggests before itching one of her ears. "We need to try and figure out how long it's been." Regina says and Kitty pulls a face which Regina notices "what? You know something... spill." She says and Kitty crosses her arms "well I kind of... maybe... possibly..." Regina cuts her off "get to the punchline please." She says and Kitty raises an eyebrow "me and Jefferson have a baby... another one." She says and Regina looks shocked.

"Do you two not have a hobby? Oh wait you do, your hobby is doing Je..." Kitty cuts her off mortified "Regina!" She says blushing like mad and Regina laughs at her face and she partially disappears only her legs and tail are still visible "I take it your still getting used to your magic." Regina says and Kitty fully reappears "yes, now why don't we go and find the others." She says and Regina nods her head and they both leave her office.

"But seriously are you and Jefferson trying to compete with the dwarves?" Regina asks and Kitty just groans "look I love Jefferson..." she gets cut off by Regina laughing "oh that was never in question, the two of you are like rabbits!" She says and Kitty makes what sounds like a squeaking sound as she covers her face with her hands "Please stop!" She says and Regina nudges her "it's not my fault you have no control when it comes to your husband." Regina says and Kitty just laughs.

They make it Granny's diner and walk in to see a lot of people surrounding Grace who is still holding Anidori and Kitty walks over to check on her and Regina follows "you okay sweet girl?" She asks Grace who nods her head "just fine mama." She says but Kitty can tell something is bothering her "what's wrong Gracie?" She asks the girl who sighs "Grandpa isn't here... neither is uncle Neal... so if they're not here... where are they?" She asks her mother who nods at her.

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