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Kitty and Grace were outside there home playing together in the sunshine, they were doing kart wheels and running around laughing, Kitty had been dancinng with Grace and spun the little girl arounnd in a circle, Grace loved spending time with Kitty, she absolutely adored her step mother, she called her, her mother because Kitty always treated her like she was her daughter and Grace liked spending time with her because she was a girl... she loved her papa but he didn't always understand, but Kitty always understood her, she would always think about her father and stepmothers wedding because she had loved it, everyone had been there and they had all gotten along for one day just for the wedding which made her mama very happy. 

Grace was currently in the kitchen alongside her mama and she was learning how to bake, that was one thing that her stepmother was amazing at, baking sweet treats, Kitty was great at baking cookies and cakes and cupcakes, Grace loved the cupcakes that her stepmother made and she especially loved when she was allowed to eat the leftover icing as a treat. Grace sat on the counter just beside Kitty's bowl listening to the instructions her stepmother spoke through on how to make batter "then after that Gracie, we mix it all together, around and around and around until there are no lumps and no bumps." Kitty says with a grin and Grace nods her head. 

"do you wanna mix it sweetie?" She asks Grace who smiles even wider and nods her head reaching out to take the spoon to start mixing up the cake batter, they were making cakes for to sell in town, Kitty wanted to help Jefferson with money because he didn't like using her money that came from her father. He worked for Rumple but didn't like taking Kitty's money from him for some reason, she never pushed him on it and so she remained ever curious. Kitty loved teaching Grace about baking, it was something that she believed was an important bonding moment to spend with the girl, and she knew how much the girl enjoyed baking with her, so she tried to do it as often as she could.

Kitty and Grace spent the morning making cakes and cookies and other sweet treats and baked goods to sell in the market and they sorted them all into baskets and carriers so they could carry them to town. Grace had left two cakes separate from the others, one to give to the lovely elderly couple across the road and one to give to her grandpappy the next time she saw him. "Why don't you take that cake over to Carl and Ellie just now Grace?" Kitty suggests as she finishes putting cakes into baskets and Grace nods her head and runs to grab her cloak quickly throwing it around her shoulders and tying it at the front before she runs back to her mother and takes one of the cakes and begins walking across to the neighbours house. 

Kitty watches her with a smile from their kitchen window as Grace carefully and slowly carries the cake across to Carl and Ellie who are sitting outside together, the elderly couple were kind to Kitty, they were genuinely kind to anyone, Kitty thought that the elderly couple was adorable, always doing everything together, Kitty had never seen them apart and deep down she hoped that her and Jefferson would be like that one day... she watches as Grace hands the cake to Ellie and the elderly woman accepts it with a smile and Grace talks to her for a minute before she turns and skips back to the house. Kitty gives her the lightest basket out of all three and she carries two herself and they head off to the market. Kitty and Grace set up to sell their cakes and they have plenty of people waiting to buy some baked goods.

After a few hours they manage to sell everything and so they begin heading back to their home, Kitty didn't know if Jefferson would be home tonight or if it would be tomorrow... he always tried to be home the same day he left but depending on what her father wanted he could be away for days at a time... Grace and Kitty were walking back to their home hand in hand swinging their arms as they walked until Grace stopped dead in her tracks and Kitty looks down at her "Gracie?" She asks and the girl points towards their home where Kitty's eyes widen as she sees Regina's carriage outside of their home and they begin walking towards the carriage and they hear noises from inside. 

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