Back In StoryBrooke

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Kitty is carrying a now extremely tired Jack in her arms as the little barefoot boy whines with his head against her shoulder and his eyes closed. Jefferson was sitting on the stairs on the ship with Grace up beside her grandfather as he taught her how to navigate the ship. She was tired as well and was now leaning into Hook's side as Indiana watched them beside Tink with a smile. Kitty smiled down at the sleepy boy in her arms and kissed his head and she looked over to see David and Snow sitting talking to a very tired looking Leafy who was leaning on David's arm and she smiled even wider at the three of them. She knew they would be back at Storybrooke soon and they could get back to being a family.

She saw Henry standing beside Regina, Emma and Neal but he was looking around with an unusual expression on his face and it stirred worry within Kitty.She tried to brush it off for now as she saw Storybrooke in the distance below them "look at that Snowflake... we're home." She says in a quiet gentle voice to Jack who whines and hides his face in her shoulder. She smiles down at the boy "don't worry Snowflake... you can go for a little nap when we get home." She tells him as the ship lands in the water and they sail towards Storybrooke dock. As the ship's walkway is pulled down to allow the passengers to descend down to the dock, they can hear people from the town cheering.

They start walking off the ship and walk down to see their friends. Kitty sees Archie standing and goes to give the man a hug, he smiles and hugs her back being wary of the sleepy child in her arms. Kitty hugs Granny next who smiles happily at the girl and holds her face in her hands "our sunshine's back home." Granny says happily and Kitty grins at her "I've missed you Granny." She tells the woman who just hugs her again before moving to welcome the others back. Kitty walks over to Emma and Henry as they are looking around "How does it feel to finally be home?" Emma asks Henry and he looks up at her "Better than I ever imagined." He says and Kitty can't dismiss the worry she is feeling.

She watches as all the lost boys leave the ship and she sees the look on Henry's face, but it's not one of fear... if anything it's a look of excitement, she stares at him until Jefferson puts a hand on her waist making her jump slightly. "Hey hey... it's just me darling." He says and Kitty takes a breath "sorry my love... I just... I can't help but worry." She says and he nods wrapping his arm around her waist. "don't worry about that anymore... I won't let anything happen to you, I swear Kitty." He says and she nods leaning up to give him a kiss before she leans against him slightly adjusting how she held Jack. Kitty looks over to see Snow and David but she is so happy to see Leafy in David's arms as the boy talks animatedly about something whilst moving his teddy around. "How do you feel?" Jefferson asks her and she thinks about it "Pretty good, actually... I think the water must be working." She says not seeing her father come up behind her with Grace half awake by his side.

"Aye, it is. Dreamshade overtook our brother the moment we left Neverland." He says and Indiana looks away from them which Kitty notices. She can't imagine how hard it must've been to hear that her big brother was dead, to send him off to sea one day, only for only one brother to return on another one. "Rumple will find a cure. You'll be okay... if not... then I'll kill him, you might've forgave him Kitty but I haven't... I don't think I ever will." He says shaking his head looking down at her "I'm sorry." He says and she shakes her head. "Don't be sorry... I don't blame you Jefferson... to be honest I'm not sure why I forgave him... I just felt like... I don't know, I had to? Like I needed to forgive him... I don't know why... he is my father in the end." She misses how Hook clenches his fist and looks away from them.

"You okay Gracie Girl?" Kitty asks looking at her daughter who is struggling to keep her eyes open, the time had worked differently in Neverland and so everyone was tired from coming back. "I'm okay Mama... just tired." She says and Kitty nods her head understandingly and Jefferson moves and picks her up letting her wrap her arms and legs around him like a koala bear. "You can sleep if you want to sweetheart and your mother and I will put you to bed when we get home." He says to her and she nods putting her face in her fathers neck. "I have to admit, there was a minute there I didn't believe we were all going to make it out of that place." Emma says to all of them and Kitty nods her head understanding the feeling all too well. "Well, we did." David says to his daughter and Kitty feels Jacks body go limp and she knows that he has fallen asleep fully and so she gently kisses his head as Snow speaks up to everyone in the town.

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