Baby Proofing and Bullying

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Kitty let the others deal with Zelena as she was doing things with her family, Neal was taking the kids into the garden that evening to make smores with them over a small fire pit that Jefferson had in his back yard. Henry was staying with the Hatters that night and Neal was happy that he would be able to spend so much time with his son. Kitty knew that he was a great dad, and she thoroughly believed that if he had known about Henry he would've been involved in the boys, Kitty firmly believed that.

Anidori had been developing her new escape tactic, crawling... Now this had Jefferson and Kitty freaking out when they would tuurn around and their cute little baby had vanished from sight. Hook had somewhat, babyproofed the Jolly Roger to make it safe for babysitting Anidori, Indiana found it hysterical to watch her big brother lock away all his spare swords and daggers and she actually did laugh at seeing how heartbroken her brother was at having to lock away his rum. Kitty appreciated the effort that her father was going to because it showed her that he really did care.

Kitty had walked the children to school that morning but she had noticed how Grace had put up somewhat of a fight to go, Kitty had asked her if everything was alright at school and the girl had been quick to assure her that there was no problems at school but Kitty wasn't really comforted by her answer. She was meeting Jefferson ad Anidori for breakfast so she would mention it to him and see what he thought, she hoped that she was just being paranoid but somehting was nagging her that she wwasn't being paranoid and something was in fact wrong with her daughter, Neal had left to go and take Henry out for breakfast before the boy went to school then their father had wanted to see them, well he wanted to see both of them so after breakfast Jefferson would walk Kitty to her fathers shop before going to visit Hook and Indi with Anidori.

It was the beginning of February and Jefferson was thinking of what to do for Valentines day, when he used to watch 'Cathy' during the curse he knew how much she loved the day and so he wanted to do something nice for her because she deserved to experience the holiday properly. Jefferson was holding Anidori on his leg as she pulled at his jacket and mumbled random little things and made funny little noises so he made funny faces at her making her laugh, other diners looked over with smiles on their faces at hearing a baby laugh. Jefferson saw a shadow over the table and looked up to see Granny standing smiling at them. "Morning Granny." He says and the woman smiled at him. "Goodmorning Jefferson, and hello precious!" Granny says cooing at Anidori who squealed happily at the attention she was getting.

"Oh she is such a little cutie pie!" Granny says and Jefferson chuckles "I think she's beginning to work that out for herself." He says as Anidori laughs at everyone looking over at her "Your probably right. How many do you and Kitty have again?" Granny asks and Jefferson repositions Anidori in his arms before he answers "Well I would say three, but my lovely wife would argue that Henry is hers so she would say four." Jefferson says and Granny laughs and nods "Thinking about anymore?" Granny asks and Jefferson shakes his head "Please don't give my wife any ideas, she always says that she wants a whole army of them." Jefferson says and Granny nods before rearranging the menus. "Well you two are amazing parents so I don't see any issue." Granny says with a laugh and a shrug. Anidori manages to pick up a spoon and she laughs at her reflection in the metal before she hits Jefferson in the chest with the spoon.

"Hey Dori! That actually hurts papa, baby strength or not." Jefferson says and Anidori takes a second before she starts crying thinking she's hurt her papa, she drops the spoon and gently pats her fathers chest where she had hit with the spoon "It's okay baby you didn't mean it sweetheart. Look papa's okay!" Jefferson says and kisses her head and she makes a noise before laying her head against her father's shoulder. "Well I better get back to work... bye bye cutie pie." Granny says and Anidori shakes her hand at Granny as if saying bye. "So little miss, what should I get mama for valentines day?" Jefferson asks Anidori who just sticks her fingers in her mouth and looks at him.

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