Rumple's Price

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Jefferson made sure that Kitty was okay before he turned to Gold "you come anywhere near my family Rumple and I'll kill you myself, do not come near my wife or my daughter or my boys do you understand me?" Jefferson says furiously as Kitty is still shaking from being overloaded with her memories and Rumple looks over at his daughter who is still shaking and he nods his eyes full of guilt as he looks at Kitty, and when he nods Jefferson leads Kitty out of the shop and they begin walking along the sidewalk with Kitty gripping Jefferson's arm like a lifeline. They walk past a gap in the buildings and Kitty sees the Jolly Roger and she instantly breaks down into sobs, she can remember it now, her mother and father, Killian and Milah, she remembers it all and Jefferson just holds her as she falls to the ground sobbing.

Jefferson sees where she is looking and he realises what's happening, they are still sitting on the street corner when David and Mary Margaret leave the shop and David runs up to Kitty and Jefferson as Emma and Neal arrive and check on Mary Margaret, Kitty can't hold it in anymore and she lets out an agonising scream and two lampposts explode beside them all, "Kitty?!" David asks worried as he looks at his best friend and Jefferson shakes his head at David which makes him worry more "What's wrong with her?" David asks Jefferson who is still trying to balance his new memories "Rumple... he stole her memories her whole life... lifetimes of memories he stole from her and Cora just returned them all... But we found out Rumple stole memories from me... Kitty is Grace's birth mother and he took that from us..." Jefferson says and watches as David's face is covered in shock and he looks down at Kitty who is still sobbing her heart out.

"she remembered her childhood with Hook, it's all hitting her at once, what he took from her." Jefferson says and David leans forward pulling her from Jefferson's arms into his own hugging her tightly. She clings onto David as she sobs into his chest and he just wraps his arms around her shushing her gently and running a hand over her hair "I'm so sorry Kitty." He says to her and she doesn't make any move to acknowledge his words she just keeps on sobbing. She can see it in her head, her mother holding her and singing to her, she remembers all the memories she had with Hook and she remembers everything her father did to her in the dark castle and it's killing her.

Neal wanders over as well to check on his sister and Jefferson tells him what his father had done and he clenched his fists "I'll kill him." Neal says turning to walk away but Jefferson grabs his arm and shakes his head "don't... he's not worth it Neal." Jefferson says and Neal just sighs and looks down at his sister who is still practically inconsolable "well how about we go and get the kids?" He suggests and Kitty pulls back from David and nods her head "my baby..." she cries and the others all assume she is talking about Grace and help her up before telling her to take a few deep breaths. Jefferson and Neal help her walk and Jefferson just mouths a 'thank you' at David who nods his head "I'll catch up with you later I better get Mary Margaret home." David says and Kitty reaches out to squeeze his hand in a thank you and he quickly hugs her once more kissing her head before walking over to Emma and Mary Margaret as Neal, Jefferson and Kitty walk towards Granny's diner.

"So your my brother in law?" Neal asks Jefferson who nods "I suppose so... hope I don't disappoint." He shrugs with a laugh and Neal laughs as well whilst Kitty just leans her head on Jefferson's arm "nah... as long as you treat my sister right we'll be all buddy buddy." He tells Jefferson who nods his head as they approach Granny's and the kids come running outside and kitty smiles with happy tears coming to her eyes and it seems as though Grace had new memories as well because she runs towards her mother with tears running down her face "Mama!" She cries sprinting to her mother who opens her arms ready to catch her "oh my baby!" Kitty cries falling to the ground holding her daughter in her arms.

After Kitty had hugged Grace, she hugged Jack and Henry as well and the six of them enter the diner to get something to eat whilst they all sat getting to know Neal, and the man was grateful that they had all been so accepting of him and he was happy getting to know his sister he didn't care if they were only half siblings he just cared that he wasn't alone anymore, Kitty had been asked to hide her cat features because of people from out of town that were roaming around so she used her magic to conceal her ears eyes and tail so she looked just like Cathy Gold during the curse and Neal could see the resemblance to their mother in her face now and he could see it when he looked at Grace as well "so you have two kids?" Neal asks when the three kids go to the counter to ask for ice cream.

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