Two Dozen Roses

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Cathy woke up having the same dream about the most extraordinary place, where everything impossible is possible, where everything is different colours, different sizes, different styles and animals talk and attend tea parties with their animal friends and a man.... With the most beautiful piercing blue eyes and a top hat full of wonders, he always extended his hand towards Cathy then she woke up, Cathy saw that Henry was still fast asleep curled up beside her so she slid out carefully to go and get dressed and make Henry's packed lunch because she knew he didn't really like the school dinners even though Regina kept telling him to have one. She didn't see the point of forcing Henry to eat the school lunches if he didn't like them.

She then decided to go and wake her sleepy kitten, so she made a glass of diluting juice and headed to the bedroom and placed it onto the cabinet before she sat on the edge of the bed and started running her hands through Henry's hair gently saying his name, not too loudly, to wake him up gently, he began stirring and then whined we he realised he was being woke up "good morning my sleepy kitten, your uniform is laid out in the bathroom and your lunch is packed and in your bag once your ready we're going to Granny's for breakfast so c'mon sleepy head wake up, there is a glass of juice on the cabinet for you, I'll be downstairs quickly sending some emails about the halloween event okay?" Henry nodded and Cathy kissed his head before she went to write her emails on her laptop in the kitchen. 

Once Cathy had made sure that Henry was ready for school because she was going to be taking him there, they set off towards Granny's because Cathy felt too lazy to cook that morning, so instead she would treat Henry to a nice breakfast because in all fairness the kid deserved it "I wonder if we'll have enough time? What time even i-" she was cut off with a chime and she looked up and saw the clock was at 8am, her eyes widened and Henry had a huge smile on his face when he saw Cathy's reaction, she shook it off and continued walking to the diner. When did they fix the clock, she thought that it wasn't able to be fixed because it was so old...

She opened the door and ushered Henry inside as Granny called over "Good morning Cat isn't it swell? Someone finally fixed that darn old clock." Cathy smiled at the woman and nodded her head before her and Henry walked over to a booth and sat down opening menus to order as Ruby approached with two pre-made hot chocolates with cinnamon for the duo. Cathy and Henry sat making faces at each other as they waited for their order to be made, Ruby smirked at the two of them as she walked by with coffee for another table.

The pair ordered strawberry pancakes and ate them together whilst chatting about school and the halloween parade that Cathy had set up for the whole town in a few days, Cathy was always involved in event planning for the town, she would work with Regina to plan events and Regina usually supported all her ideas, but she had been slightly apprehensive about this one for some reason. it was the 23rd of October so Cathy had 8 days to make sure everything was organised, there was a parade planed and a street party, they were going to be closing Main Street to have a massive fancy dress party for halloween.

Cathy loved halloween and couldn't wait for the parade, she had decided to go as the mad hatter with Henry's help. After Henry had helped her choose her costume he decided to be the Cheshire Cat with Cathy thought was cute because she called him her kitten, so the dynamic duo would be attending the parade together and Regina had approved that of them thankfully. Cathy had started making Henry's costume, she was homemaking the costumes so she had been rather busy with her sowing machine in her free time.

After the pair had eaten Cathy excused herself to go to the bathroom, waving at Graham who was also in the diner having a bite to eat before he had to open the station, he gave her a mock salute and a smile. Whilst Cathy was gone to the toilet Emma had entered Granny's and sat by the window so Henry waved Ruby over, "what can I help you with Henry?" She asked smiling at the young boy, "can you make a hot chocolate and cinnamon and give it to the blond woman over there." He pointed over to Emma and Ruby nodded and walked over to the counter to make the drink for the woman. 

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