Mysterious Woman In Brown

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Kitty and Jefferson were on their way to the dark castle with Grace to tell her father about the ball they would be attending with Grace, the young girl was so excited for the ball and she wanted to tell her Grandpappy Gold all about it so she was skipping in front of her parents humming to herself as Jefferson and Kitty walked hand in hand behind her "she's such a happy little girl... I love that about her." Kitty says and Jefferson smiles "that's her... our happy little girl." He says squeezing Kitty's hand and she leans her head on his arm as they continue their walk to the dark castle, Grace stopped them when they were near the castle because she saw some flowers growing by the side of the road, "I'm gonna take these for Grandpappy and Belle... I think they'll like them." She says with a smile and Kitty uses her magic to make a small basket for Grace to carry the flowers in.

"I think that's a great idea darling." Kitty says handing the basket to Grace and the girl happily puts the flowers into the basket before taking her mothers hand and they continue their walk to the dark castle with Grace organising her flowers as she walked, they had to look perfect if she was going to give them to her Grandpappy and Belle, Grace didn't know how she felt about Belle, she liked her but she thought that Belle was trying to change her Grandpappy, she was always nagging him about his dark magic and Grace didn't like that, he was the dark one, of course his magic would be dark! But Belle was making her Grandpappy happy and that was the main thing. The Hatters arrived at the dark castle and began walking through the corridors and Grace heard her Grandpappy's voice and took off running to the main room of the castle. "Let's just say we bury the hatchet." She hears as she approaches the room.

"Yes, but why not in your skull?" She hears her Grandpappy's voice as she runs in not seeing the two other people standing in the room at first and she runs up to Rumple who quickly waves his hands and a glow covers the strangers "Grandpappy!" She shouts after sitting the basket on the table and she runs to him with her arms open making him smirk and pick her up, hugging her before sitting her on his hip as he looked down at her "hello dearie, where's your parents?" He asks her and she smiled and pointed back at the door "mama and papa are just coming." She says and Rumple groans "oh... did you have to bring the portal jumper? You couldn't have left him at home? You really didn't need to bring him..." Rumple trails off and the other two people in the room smirk at Rumple.

"but back to it, I was dealing with something Gracie, before you made your grand entrance." Rumple says and Grace looks over and sees a woman in a brown cloak with blonde hair "oh... sorry for interrupting..." she says wish a sheepish smile on her face and the woman just smiles at her along with the man who looks almost sad to see her and it's something Rumple notices "it's no problem Grace." The woman says as Kitty and Jefferson walk into the room hand in hand and Grace is shocked "Wait... how do you know me?" She asks and the two of them don't answer but she hears the man in black mumble "Kitty..." Under his breath as he looks at her mother and Kitty lets go of Jefferson and runs to hug her father after he puts Grace down "Hello dad." She smiles "Uh... your grandfath... the dark one speaks very highly of you." The woman says and Kitty grins.

"Aww dad you do love us, hear that Jefferson?" Kitty says still hugging her father but leans her head back to look upside down at her husband "Excuse me I never said anything about that... thing... your so attached to." He says screwing his face up pointing at Jefferson who throws his hand up in exhaustion. Grace just walks over to the table to pull out one bunch of flowers for her Grandpappy "You know I'm not a thing, I'm a man, and your son in law..." He trails off and Rumple shrugs as Kitty lets him go and he looks Jefferson up and down "Could've fooled me." He says making Grace laugh as Kitty stands in front of her husband and he wraps his arms around her from behind and Grace hands the flowers to her grandfather and they talk for a minute whilst Kitty turns to look at the strangers, and she appears in front of them with her hand outstretched to shake.

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