Storming The Camp

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The group were walking through the trees once more with Grace walking beside Killian holding onto his Hook and Jack being carried by Neal watching Hook from over his uncles shoulder as they walked and he told them a very over dramatic version of what happened when capturing Pan's shadow, Neal shook his head with a smile listening to some of the details and how Hook was portraying himself as a hero, he kept quiet because he didn't want to disappoint Grace and Jack. Neal didn't understand how the kids loved him so much, he could see that Grace absolutely adored Hook and he couldn't understand it... Neal supposed he didn't care, as long as Grace and Jack were happy... as long as his sister was happy, he didn't care. Kitty was walking beside Indiana "so... I guess this makes you my aunt?" She asks the woman who laughs and nods her head. 

"yeah I guess so... that's so weird, you look to be roughly my age..." Indiana says shaking her head, she adjusts her bag that she had going across her body and Kitty just smiles at the woman, she remembers watching an Indiana Jones movie back in Storybrooke with Graham during the curse and she found it amusing that this woman was in the exact same outfit except she was missing the hat. She had never even thought that this could've been a possibility "I wouldn't worry too much about the age difference if I were you... I'd be more worried about your family tree..." Jefferson says from behind Kitty and Indiana looks over her shoulder at the man confused and Kitty giggles and looks back at her husband who is smirking at her.

She turns to look back at Indiana who she notices is trying to be nonchalant about how she stares at Kitty's ears and her tail but Kitty doesn't bring it up "I'll give you the run down, try to keep your head... so I'm married to Jefferson and our daughter is Grace and Jack is our son." Kitty says and Indiana nods "yeah I remember that..." she says and Kitty nods "my father is Hook which you know and my mother is Milah who is also Neal's mother... Neal's father is Rumple who is also the man who raised me after technically kidnapping me..." Kitty gets cut off "there's nothing technical about it my love... he kidnapped you." Jefferson and says and Indiana looks shocked. Rumple also glared at Jefferson from behind him but Jefferson couldn't care less. 

"hang on so you were kidnapped by your half brothers father and raised? Killian didn't raise you?" She asks and Kitty can hear the sadness in her voice "no he didn't..." Kitty says and Indiana looked ahead at her brother who was still talking to the children "he always wanted to be a father... he used to talk about it all the time when he was in the Navy... I never saw him again after he became a pirate... I left to explore... and I never looked back." Indiana tells Kitty who nods her head and continues to explain "so Neal and Emma met and had a child together which is Henry the boy we're saving, I'm also Henry and Emma's godmother, Regina is Henry's adoptive mother and with the way the family tree works she's also his step great grandmother because she married Snow's father to become queen." Kitty explains and Indiana looks like she's trying to process all that information.

Emma who was walking behind them all walked past them and walked up to Hook "We need to talk." She says to him and he sighs "I've found when a woman says that, I'm rarely in for pleasant conversation." He says in reply and Grace and Jack both laugh at him and he smirks at them "kids could you give us a minute?" Emma asks them and they nod their heads and go back over to their parents and Kitty sees Jack rubs his eyes so she picks him up and holds him and he leans his head on her shoulder trying to hold onto his staff but Indiana could see him struggling so she takes it and puts it through her bag strap her bag where the boy could see it and Jefferson picked up Grace carrying her as well both kids were getting tired as they had no idea what time it was, so Kitty and Jefferson carried their children in their arms and Jack fell asleep rather quickly in Kitty's arms feeling safe, Grace fell asleep not too long after him.

Kitty listens back into what Emma and Hook are talking about "The water that cured David and Kitty from dreamshade has connected him to the island... If they leave, the connection is broken, the poison will kill them." Kitty hears her father says and she feels saddened by the fact but she can't do much about it, she drank the water to be healed and now these were just the consequences of doing this... "What if we take some of the water with us?" Emma asks him and Hook sighs "That way he stays connected, he can stay alive in Storybrooke." She finishes saying and Hook shook his head "For how long?" He asks her and she doesn't answer him. 

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