Floating Lights

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Kitty was exploring the Dark Castle whilst her father was on business. She toddled around with her tail swaying gently behind her and she sighed bored from walking through the same corridors looking at the same paintings on the wall. She had tidied her room several times, painted on almost every part of her walls and she had even moved the furniture in her room in the tower... twice! She decided to go out to the castle gardens and spend some time outside, she sat on the grass in a little blue dress with a white apron over it that she had forgotten to remove after her painting. She watched as butterflies flew past her and little rabbits hopped across the grass.

She had noticed that whenever her father would go on business and leave her alone that all the animals would come out to play and it would just seem a little bit brighter without her father there... but Kitty did miss him when he was gone, yes he was moody and mean sometimes but he did love her and she loved him, he was the only person that she knew because she wasn't allowed to leave the castle because her father said it was too dangerous and that there was a lot of bad people in the world so she didn't dare leave the castle out of fear that something might happen to her.

She is humming to herself as she picks at the grass beside her, she looked up and she saw a rainbow in the sky making her smile and run over towards the castle walls and float up to lean against the top of it as she stared at the beautiful colours in the sky "Somewhere over the rainbow way up high, there's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby." She sings to herself softly as she stares at the colours, she remembered seeing a rainbow before from her tower and so she had painted it on her roof as a reminder "Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true." She sighs and floats back down for her feet to touch the grass again.

she eventually went back inside and went to the main room in the castle where the big table was along with their chairs and fireplace, she saw her fathers spinning wheel and she giggled to herself as she walked over to look at it, she would never go near it when her father was here because she didn't want to risk getting into trouble but... her father wasn't here so she sat down on the little stool by the wheel and she reached out to touch the wheel spinning it slightly as she mumbled to herself "Curiouser and curiouser..." she whispered and looked over to where the string was sitting and she looked over at her fathers straw supply... she was trying to convince herself not to touch it but she was curious if she could spin straw into gold or not...

She took some of the straw and put it in the wheel and sat back down to pull on the string, she began pulling the string just how her father always done it. She was quickly disappointed when the the string wasn't gold, so she huffed and continued pulling on the string until she needed to put in more straw, she began feeling a tingle in her fingers and when she pulled the string finally she saw gold and she gasped with her ears perking up and her tail moving happily behind her "Bam! That's how it's done." She said in celebration as she grinned from ear to ear.

Kitty had been happily spinning gold for a while but then she stopped as her brain thought of the next problem... where was she going to hide all this gold? Her father was going to find it eventually so did she own up to using his spinning wheel or did she play innocent... She didn't know what she was going to do, she had time to think on it for now because she wasn't expecting her father back any time soon... She decided to just leave it at the spinning wheel just now and she would come back and deal with it later.

She decided to explore again, she knew the whole castle like the back of her hand, she had her own mental map of the place, but she steared clear of her fathers room because she had been warned several times that his room was out of bounds, it was almost as if he spoke from experience everytime he warned her about it. She decided that she wanted to do something fun... she walked out to the main area of the castle and she looked up at the drapes that were on the second floor of the castle that draped down to the first... a wide grin spread across her face and she ran over floating up to grab onto the end of the drapes, she floated up to the second floor on the other side of where the drapes were attached so she could swing.

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