My Other Chance

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When Kitty's vision cleared she realised that she wasn't on papas ship anymore and instead she was in a big room with a long table in the middle of it, she was scared... she didn't know where her mama or papa was... but the last time she had saw mama she wasn't waking up "Papa?!" She called out sniffling in fear as she toddled around the room "PAPA!" She shouts crying before walking over to the door and trying to grab the handle having to jump a little before she managed but the door was locked "mama?!" She calls out before fall down onto her bottom and just sitting there crying "papa... please... scared." She cries and she hears a laugh in the room and it makes her scream and crawl under the table making her wrap her tail around her in fear. 

"Come out come out wherever you are dearie... you can't hide forever." The voice said and she realised it was the man from the ship. Kitty was hoping it was a bad dream as she hugged her knees close to her chest and wrapped her tail around her, she wanted to wake up and call out for her papa to come and give her a cuddle but she had a feeling no amount of wishing was going to make that happen. She could hear the man getting closer and his laugh was getting louder and Kitty was getting more terrified, she wanted her papa, her papa would protect her from the scary man... she wanted to be back home on her ship, she wanted to be in her crib wrapped in her comfy blankets her mama had bought her but here she was in an unfamiliar place, cold and alone and afraid... 

"I know your in here dearie because I sent you here so there's no point in hiding." She was getting more scared by the second, but papa would save her right? He told her stories of how he was a brave pirate who battled many different beasts... so papa was on his way right? She saw his feet disappear and she sighed in relief that he had gone "found you." She heard from behind her and arms wrapped around her and she screamed as she was pulled out from under the table and she began thrashing around trying to get the man to let go "PAPA!!! PAPA!!! PAPA!!!" She started screaming and the man got sick of her struggling and so he dropped her onto the ground and she hit the floor with a thud and began backing away from him "PAPA!! PAPA!!" She was screaming and crying and the man just laughed. 

"oh you'll never see him again dearie... not when he believes your dead." He says and she sees that the door is now open and she goes to run to it only for her tail to be stepped on by the man and she yelped in pain "no! No! No!" She was shouting and he rolled his eyes as she pulled her tail trying to get free "want papa!!! Want Papa!" She screams and he is silent for a moment before he grins and opens his hand making a small purple rock appear "can't want what you can't remember.... This is my other chance..." He grins and then holds it up in front of kitty and moves his hand which makes Kitty become light headed and fall towards him and he catches her as her eyes close, and he grins, she would never have a single thought about that stupid pirate ever again.

Kitty woke up in a crib, she looked around confused, she couldn't remember anything at all and began panicking, she started to cry and the door opened "oh someone's awake." She heard a voice and looked over to she a man with wavy hair and shiny skin and she looked confused and she pointed at him and looked baffled "oh poor thing, you must've hit your head harder than you thought." He says and picks her up and he subtly waved his hand and Kitty's head was filled with memories of the man "dada." She says with a smile and the man grins "that's right dearie... that's right." He says and Kitty leans on his shoulder as he walks through the corridors, her head was beginning to hurt her though and so she flattened her ears against her head and covered her eyes whimpering and it gains the mans attention.

"Are you okay... Kitty?" The man says slightly uncertain and the girl whines and shakes her head but that makes the feeling worse "Hurt." She says pointing to her head and the man hums before putting his hand on her head and she instantly feels better and she begins to look around at where she's being taken to and she realises she can't remember anything about this place, she can only remember what's in her head but it feels funny the things in her head. She is taken to the room with the long table and she is sat on one of the chairs as her dada makes food appear in front of her and she begins to eat the food in front of her but when she gets to the evil green leafy thing she stops eating. 

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