Breaking The Curse

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At the hospital, Henry is wheeled in on a gurney as Emma and Kitty follows. Dr. Whale and several nurses attend to Henry "Henry, can you hear me? Come on, Henry. Wake up, please. Come on, Henry. Come on. You can do it." Emma begs him and Kitty runs her hand over his hair "it's okay Kitten, we're here for you." She says and the nurse tries to stop them from staying "Ladies, let me take you to..." she gets cut off by Kitty "No, We are not going anywhere!" She tells the nurse as Whale continued looking over Henry "There's no pupil response. What happened? Did he fall? hit his head?" Whale asks them and Emma shakes her head "He ate this. I think it's poisoned." Emma says as she holds up a bag containing the turnover "I already told you Emma..." she gets cut off by the blonde.

"IT'S NOT A CURSE!" She shouts at Kitty "His airway's clear. Did he vomit? Any convulsion or disorientation?" Whale keeps asking and Emma shakes her head "He took a bite of this, and then he just collapsed. So, run the test for arsenic, or bleach, or Drano, or whatever could've done this to him!" Emma says and Dr. Whale shakes his head whilst Kitty is starting to get frustrated with Emma "The boy is showing no symptoms that would suggest neurotoxins. So, whatever's going on, this is not the culprit." Whale tells them both and Kitty holds onto Henry's hand tightly "Well, what else could it be?" Emma asks and Kitty sends her a look "I don't know. That's what I'm trying to find out." Whale says and Emma looks down at Henry then back at Whale "He's going to be okay, though, right?" Emma asks and Kitty just smooths down Henry's hair and speaks to him quietly. 

"I'm awake now kitten and don't you worry I'll do whatever I can to wake you up. You were such a smart boy for believing." Kitty says to him quietly "Right now, we just need to stabilize him, cause he's slipping away. Is there anything else that you can remember? Any little detail?" Whale asks again and Emma snaps at him "I already told you everything. Do something!" She shouts at him and Kitty side eyes her "well you've got your mothers temper." Kitty says with a shake of her head "Look, I understand you're frustrated, Miss Swan, I do. But I need something to treat. And, right now, there is no explanation. It's like..." Whale trails off and Emma grabs Henry's bag and dumps out everything onto a table and she sees his book and she freezes looking at Kitty once "Like magic." Emma says and picks up the book and Kitty watches as her face changes to realisation. 

"Halle-Freakin'-Lujah." Kitty says as Regina frantically rushes into the room and Kitty's temper immediately turns to her and she sees red "Where's my son?" Regina says and Kitty is already storming towards her and she grabs Regina and drags her to a storage room and throws her into a rack before throwing her into a wall "How could you do this?! Again?!" She screams at Regina who is recovering from being thrown about by Kitty "Cathy?" Regina questions and Kitty glares at her "not anymore, Regina! It's me! I'm awake!" She screams at the woman before she slaps her across the face and Regina pales "Kitty... Kitty I'm sorry about what happened... I didn't mean..." she shakes her head holding up her hands. 

"you took everything from me! You locked me up! You took my daughter and husband away from me! And now you've hurt my kitten! I'm gonna kill you!" Kitty says throwing Regina to the ground and punching her over and over again as Emma runs in to grab the woman and pull her off of Regina "You did this." Emma says and Regina stares at her "My son..." Regina gets cut off by Emma who reluctantly lets go of Kitty "Is sick because of you! That apple turnover you gave me? He ate it!" Emma shouts in Regina's face as the latter woman wipes blood from her nose "What? It was meant for you!" Regina says and Kitty scoffs "I can't believe you after everything we've all been through! Have you learned nothing Regina! All magic comes with a price and because of you Henry is paying it!!" Kitty screams in her face and Emma looks at the two women in shock. 

"It's true, isn't it?" Emma asks looking at Regina who is confused for a moment "What are you talking about?" Regina asks annd Kitty goes to grab her again but Emma stops her "It's true, isn't it? All of it." Emma asks and sees the glare that kitty is sending her so she sighs and she nods her head at Emma "Yes." Regina says and Emma stands in shock for a minute "I was leaving town. Why couldn't you just leave things alone?" She asks and Regina glared at her "Because as long as you're alive, Henry will never be mine!" Regina says and Kitty scoffs "Regina doing this is going to make him not want to be yours! Can't you see it!" Kitty says before Emma starts to shout at Regina as well "He'll never be anyone's unless you fix this. You wake him up!" Emma says and Regina cries out "I can't!" Regina says and Kitty looks at her wide eyed. 

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