Confrontations and Cafes

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Kitty was grinning at Zelena before she threw her hand out and Zelena was thrown backwards with the light magic and Kitty was surrounded in blue smoke as she disappeared. Zelena looked around with wide eyes as Kitty was appearing and disappearing around her, Zelena got up and used her magic to make a fireball and she goes to throw it at Kitty but Kitty raises her hand and the fireball extinguishes instantly making Zelena panic as the woman just smirks "oh Zelena did you think that was going to work? Don't you know cats have nine lives?" She teases the witch who is losing her patience and the woman glared at Kitty before sending a fireball in Graces direction but the girl raises her hand and her magic protects her, the fire doesn't even get near her.

"Oh you shouldn't have done that Zelena, do you never learn?" Kitty asks as she disappears and everyone looks around as they can hear Kitty's laugh surrounding them and Zelena looked terrified "you don't fuck with my kids." Kitty says blasting Zelena back with light magic and everyone in Storybrooke cheers for the woman and Zelena stands up and uses her magic to disappear and Gold disappears along with her. Everyone begins to talk amongst themselves but Jefferson hands Anidori to Indiana before he makes a beeline for his daughter and scoops her up into his arms and holds her tightly, crying into her hair as he held her tightly "oh my sweet girl your okay. I love you so much Grace, I love you so much baby." He cries into her hair and it makes the girl feel emotional as well and so she cries into her father's shoulder "I love you papa." She says and Jefferson holds her even tighter if that's possible.

Belle runs over to hug Neal who stands in shocks before he hugs her back and she smiled up at him "I'm glad to see your alright Neal." She says and he smiled down at her "thanks Belle." He says and he watches Jefferson puts Grace down and he sees a boy push through the crowd "Grace!" He shouts and she turns to see Christopher Robin running quickly at her and she smiles "Christopher Robin!" She says and the boy crashes into her hugging her tightly and the two children end up falling over onto thr ground whilst laughing and Jefferson just narrows his eyes at the little boy before he walks over to Neal.

"Glad your alright brother." He smiles at Neal giving him a hug "Thanks man, appreciate it." He says and Jefferson nods his head before walking over to Kitty and wrapping his arms around her as Belle hugs Grace after Christopher Robin let her go and David who is still holding onto Leafy and Snow walk over with Indiana and Howl, Indiana hands over Anidori to Kitty who holds her baby girl close after thanking her aunt "I'm glad your okay little pirate, Killian will definitely be relieved to see you, I've never saw that man so upset before." Indiana says to Grace who nods her head "Where is Grandpa?" She asks and Emma clears her throat which makes Jack and Kitty both look at her annoyed.

"Hook's watching Henry, he'll be back soon." Emma says and Jefferson gets very angry very quickly, and goes to march towards Emma but Neal quickly stops him "Brother you don't want to do this... trust me." Neal says shaking his head and Jefferson glares at Emma "The hell I don't! She told me my daughter was dead! She told us that you were dead Neal!" Jefferson says and Neal nods "I get that Jefferson I do get that but we had to make sure Zelena believed that we we're dead, she was expecting us to die when me and my papa split... we had to make it believable... she was watching all of us." Neal says and Jefferson just shakes his head still pissed off.

"So instead of you telling Jefferson that, you Emma, let him believe that his daughter was dead, instead of just telling himm the truth and you also make my son think that he's going insane when he confronted you about it? If I had done that to you Emma I would be all the villains under the sun but because you think that your the saviour that your behaviour will just be accepted then you can think again because that is bullshit and if you ever pull something like that again Emma, and try and hide it from me or anyone else... you better hide because no one will save you from my wrath... are we clear?" Kitty says taking steps to stand in front of Emma who swallows as she looks at the very intimidating woman in front of her.

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