Henry Daniel Mills! You will make me grow grey hairs!

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It was late in the afternoon and as Cathy was clearing up and wiping down her counter when her father showed up and she was quick to move around the counter to go and see him, "Hello Dad, how're you keeping, how's the leg today?" She asked as she gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before pulling out a chair for him, she knew that his leg bothered him, he had told her that he had been in an accident when he was younger and it caused him to sustain damge to his knee and he had used a walking stick since then. "I'm fine Dearie, how've you been today not to busy I hope?" He asks her resting both his hands on top of his cane and Cathy just shook her head, and started wiping down tables with a big smile on her face as she continued to speak to her father. 

"just the same as always I suppose, nothing too bad." He nodded pleased with the answer. Mr. Gold was a complicated man to put it politely, he had adopted Cathy when she was just a baby and raised her on his own without help, well that was the story Cathy had grown up hearing anyway. He didn't want her overworking herself and stressing herself out. He might've seemed like a dark and horrible man to the other residents of Storybrooke but to Cathy he was one of the most important people in her life. He always showed up and he always supported her, finacially and as a parent. So it was safe to say that Cathy and her dad had a very good relationship in Storybrooke.

She loved her father more than anyone and surprisingly he loved her just as much which confused people in town to no end because no one in the town could see how she could come to love a man as terrible as her father was, "what are you dinner plans dad?" He looked at the floor for a minute tapping the top of his cane thinking about his answer. "I mean I haven't taken anything out the freezer yet, why?" He says raising an eyebrow in her direction and the grin on Cathy's face could've rivalled that of the Cheshire Cat's "Okay then, I'm taking you to granny's for dinner and it's on me, so don't bother arguing about it because I won't have it." She says pointing a finger at him and he just laughed a little bit and shook his head.

"Do you want me to meet you there?" He asks her and she thinks for a second before she nodded her head, "if you want to dad, I close the shop at 17:00 and then I need to box up my extra cakes for the nuns to have, then I want to run home and change out of my apron because I am covered in ingredients and im 99 percent sure that I have icing and half an egg in my hair and then I'll drive the cakes to the convent and then I'll meet you there at around 17:30, how's that grab you?" She says still grinning and her dad nodded at her and she finishes wiping down a table. Her father owned a pawn shop as well as being a multi-landlord for a lot of the property in Storybrooke.

"sounds great Dearie, see you then." Her father says as he got up and walked up to her and he quickly kissed the top of her head, making her smile and quickly hug him before he hobbled out of the bakery. She watched him as he walked down the street, she did worry about her father because he was getting older and with his affected mobility, it did make her worry about him living on his own but he had reassured her that he was perfectly fine and happy living on his own. She started cleaning up the shop at 16:45 so she could close up for five, just after she finished boxing all the spare food for the nuns. 

By the time she had wiped down the chairs and turned the chairs upside down onto the tables and sweaped the floor it was already 17:00, so she turned the sign off to tell people she  was closed and quicly cashed up in the back office before she grabbed her jacket and the spare food that she had boxed up and left the cafe. She locked the door and her phone began ringing so she sat the boxes on a bench outside the café so she could check who was calling her.

Regina x

"Hey Gina, what's up?" She answered in a cheery tone with a smile, it was only to bad that Regina was not in as cheery a mood as she was "is Henry with you? He didn't come home after school, and he's not at Grannys or the arcade and he missed his appointment with Archie... I don't know where he is Cat! He's never done anything like this before! I don't know what to think!" She could hear Regina crying so she knew how worried she is, her heart had sunk as well when Regina had said that she didn't know where Henry was.

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