The Map

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When Emma and Kitty wander back to camp they wake up the others and tell them what happened and Jefferson and David are quick to go and check the perimeter with Mary Margaret following them, which leaves Hook and Regina talking with Kitty, Emma and the kids "He so likes his games." Hook says looking at the parchment Emma had handed Kitty "What game? There's nothing there." Regina says looking over Kitty's shoulder as the two kids sit beside each other whispering about things "If he said there's a map on this parchment, then there is." Hook says adamantly and Emma scoffs "Great. So if we just stop denying who we really are, whatever that means, then we'll be able to read this thing." She says and looks over at Kitty who shrugs "probably yeah... but I don't know what we could possibly be denying..." Kitty says and it's quiet for a second before Regina speaks up.

"But how do we know Pan won't use it to lead us straight into a trap?" She says and Hook answers her "Because he doesn't need to. This whole island's his bloody trap." He says and Grace looks up at him slightly afraid "we're safe here right?" She asks and he is quick to nod his head "aye lass, of course you are. I won't let anything happen to either of you, you hear me boy?" Hook says looking at the two kids who nod their heads in reply. Kitty couldn't help but feel like she had seen Peter before, the memories in her head were still taking some time to adjust, she wouldn't know for certain if she knew pan or not until the memories settled in her head. She wished that she knew where her dad was, as much as she wasn't talking to him right now, she needed to know if he was okay, the not knowing was killing her as she kept worrying.

A few minutes later they heard the bushes rustling and Kitty stood up with blue smoke consuming her hands until she saw Jefferson walk through the bushes with David and Mary Margaret behind him as they came back from searching the jungle "There's no sign of him anywhere." David says and Jefferson walks over to Kitty giving her a quick kiss and then he wraps his arm around her and she leans on him resting her head on his shoulder. "Any luck with the map?" Mary Margaret says and Regina laughs "Don't hold your breath." She says and Emma turns to face her "What's that supposed to mean?" She says and Regina raises her eyebrow "Don't you see what he's doing? Every second we spend talking about this is another second we're not looking for my son. You don't even know what Pan means, Kitty's a walking emotional magic bomb waiting to explode." Regina says and Jefferson, David and Hook all look over at her but before anyone can speak up, Jack does.

"don't talk about her like that." He says and Regina looks down at him with a smirk "Jack it's fine sweetheart." Kitty says quietly shaking her head but it's clear to everyone that Regina's words hurt her, no one could even begin to understand how Kitty was feeling or what was going through her head and Regina words might've just made it worse "it's not fine! Your upset! Leave her alone!" Jack shouts at Regina clenching his fists holding his staff tightly and everyone felt the air become colder "I'm just speaking the truth, if you wanna lie and make out life to be all sunshine rainbows and cheery songs good for you, some of us can handle the truth and evidently some of us can't." Regina says and that was it for Jack he raised his foot stomping it back down as he shouted "I SAID STOP IT!" When his foot made contact with the ground sharp icicles shot out from the ground around his foot and headed towards Regina and if she hadn't moved back she would've been impaled.

Kitty gasps and quickly moves from Jefferson and picks up Jack as the boy begins to cry, she can't tell if he's upset or if he's scared he's going to get into trouble so she is quick to reassure him as he cries into her neck "it's okay Jack, your okay snowflake." She tells him as she kisses the side of his head "the hell it is! He almost got me!" Regina says furiously and Hook scoffs "you had a go at mother bear over there and now your upset when her baby bear comes to her defence?" He says and she points at him "keep out of it guyliner." She says and Kitty rolls her eyes and begins carrying Jack away to another area just through the trees and Grace and Jefferson follow her "hey where are you going?" David asks worried that they're leaving "to make sure my children are okay." Kitty says not turning around and Jefferson just puts his arm around Grace and she leans into her fathers side. Jack hasn't stopped crying since Kitty picked him up and now he's sitting in Kitty's lap crying into her neck as she gently rubs his back and kisses his head trying to get the little boy to calm down.

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