The Wardrobe

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Kitty groaned as she began to regain consciousness "owww, now I've fallen down a few rabbit holes in my time but the landing was never as bad as that..." She complains as her eyes adjust and she sees two other people standing by Emma and Snow but she also noticed rope around their wrists and she quickly gets up still a bit wobbly on her feet but she was stable enough "yeah that's not going near me." Kitty says pointing at the rope in one of the woman's hands "we don't know who you are, it's for our safety." The woman says whilst the other woman in a dress nods "we don't know who you are! If you even try and put that near me your gonna regret it!" Kitty warns the two women and makes light flash around her hands and the woman backs away and they begin their travels across the deserted area Emma and Mary Margaret's wrists are being pulled along behind their horses and Kitty walks between the mother and daughter duo.

"What is this place?" Mary Margaret asks and the woman who had held the rope looked back to answer them "Our home." She says and Kitty looks around at the village-like camp they have set up. "It's like they're refuges." Emma says and the same woman glares at her "We're survivors." She says and Mary Margaret look at Kitty before nodding to Emma and Kitty sighs but nods and Mary Margaret knees Aurora in the gut and makes a run for it "Emma, run!" They both say and Kitty uses her magic to push the two woman away, the three of them run away but one of the women appear and knock Mary Margaret unconscious. Emma and Kitty drop down to her side and tries to wake her "Mary Margaret! Mary Margaret! What did you do?!" Emma asks worried and Kitty uses her magic to check on her friend.

"she's alive Emma, she's just unconscious." Kitty tells the girl and the woman who had slapped Mary Margaret steps forward "Take those two to the pit... but not her." She says before nodding her head at someone behind Kitty but before she can do anything she is hit over the back of the head and she also falls unconscious again... when she comes to, she is tied to a post with a throbbing pain in her head "oh tea cups... what happened?" She groans and then remembers being whacked across the back of the head, she hears Emma's voice after a few minutes and sees her and Mary Margaret walking towards her with a man "Lancelot? Really?" Emma says and Mary Margaret smiled and nodded her head.

"He's an old friend. We can trust him." She says and they walk over to kitty who is squirming in her place against the pole "can you please untie me this is really uncomfortable." Kitty says and Snow moves to untie her "she won't hurt anyone with her magic?" Lancelot asks and Kitty shakes her head "no." She says and he nods and uses his sword to slice through her binds and she smiles gratefully "thank you." She says stretching and they move over to a wooden table and Emma and Mary Margaret have sat down to eat, whilst Kitty just stares at everything on the table and Lancelot comes and drops a plate of meat on the table and Emma instantly looks concerned "What the hell is that?" Emma says but Kitty grins knowing what meat it was because she actually quite liked it.

"That is chimera. One part lion, one part serpent, one part goat. It's really good Emma, I love it." Kitty says and Emma looks at her confused "Like turducken?" She says and Kitty nods her head "kinda." She says and Mary Margaret shakes her head "I don't understand. We were told this land didn't even exist anymore. How did you all escape the curse?" She asks Lancelot who shrugs his shoulders as Kitty is staring at the food trying to decide what she wants and the look on her face makes Emma have to look away and hide her smile "It is a mystery. The curse struck and when the smoke cleared, most of us had been torn from this land. But some of us here, in this particular region, were left behind. We don't know how, and we don't know why. Finding this safe haven wasn't easy. Took some spilled blood. But worry not. You're safe here." Lancelot assured the three females and Mary Margaret sighs. 

"We can't stay. My husband's back there, Emma's son – my grandson, and Kitty's family. We have to get back to them. Can you help us find a portal?" Mary Margaret says and Kitty remembers what Regina had said about Emma and Mary Margaret knowing that Jefferson was alive, she decided she would ask them about it later because right now didn't really seem like the time. "No, leaving is unwise. The Enchanted Forest is not as you remember it. The ogres have returned." Lancelot warns them and Emma looks over at him with a raised eyebrow "Ogres? Like, as in fee-fi-fo-fum?" She says and Kitty gives her a little smile "Those would be giants, good guess though Emma." She says and Lancelot looks at the blonde woman. 

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