Cora's Revenge

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Neal brings Kitty up to his apartment, by hooking his arm under her legs and having a hand behind her back and lays her on his bed where Henry is still sitting waiting, "Aunt Kitty! Oh no... what happened?" Henry asks panicking but Neal is quick to reassure him "it's okay, she just got a face full of poppy dust. She was knocked out the polite way..." He says before going back to help Emma with his father and he lays him on the couch with Emma taking a deep breath after doing a lot of work "Found a storage room and locked our stab-happy pirate in there. Shouldn't be causing anyone else any problems. And get this – he had a map on him. It looks like he sailed his ship here." Emma says waving a map at Neal as Henry sat by his aunts side before he finds a blanket and pulls it over her. 

"How'd he get a pirate ship into New York?" Neal asks and Emma shakes her head "It's cloaked. Don't worry. He's not going to hurt any of us." She says and Neal scoffs "tell that to my sister." He says and Emma smirks "oh he definitely won't hurt her, she's his daughter." Emma says and Neal looks at her in shock "but I thought we were siblings?" He asks her and Emma nods her head "same mother different fathers." She says and Neal realises "Hook told me before that the dark one killed his daughter... oh tell me you didn't. Please God tell me you didn't take her from Hook..." Neal says with utter disgust covering his features and Gold can't answer because of the pain "You Sick Son Of A Bitch!" Neal shouts as he goes to walk towards his father but Henry runs out and looks at Gold. 

"Is Mr. Gold going to be okay?" Henry asks and Neal takes a deep breath to calm down quickly so he doesn't kill his father in front of his son, quickly sparing a glance at his unconscious sister, he felt strangely protective of her, it was weird considering he only met her a few hours beforehand but he felt like he had to keep her safe but that could be because he didn't trust his father and he didn't want his sister to suffer but guessing what he already believed to be true it seemed as though she already had suffered... He had to protect her, he hadn't been able to protect her before but he could now...

Neal looked down at Henry "Henry, he's going to be fine." He says and Henry nods and begins walking towards Gold "Mr. Gold, are you alright?" Henry asks but Gold grabs him scaring him "You stay away from me. You caused this. You brought us back here. You did this." Gold says and then he releases his grip on Henry and Emma brings her cell phone over to Henry whilst glaring at Gold "Hey, kid. The battery's dead. Go in the other room and see if you can find a charger, okay? I'm sure I saw one near Kitty." Emma says and Henry looks at Neal who nods his head and so Henry sighs and takes the phone and begins walking towards Kitty "Okay." He say and leaves the room sitting up beside his aunt as he plugs the phone in to charge and he looks at his aunt. 

"We have got to stop making this a habit." He mumbles looking at his unconscious aunt before lying down beside her "Uncle Jefferson's not going to like this but I have a feeling he'll understand... I mean worse things have happened..." Henry trails off as if Kitty will answer him but when she doesn't he sighs and closes his eyes trying to stay happy, he really loved his aunt... more than anything and he hated seeing her like this, it just reminded him of what happened after the mines, and that made him feel guilty all over again. He lay there in front of his aunt just looking at her face as if it would make her wake up quicker... he had no idea how long poppy powder lasted but he didn't like it...

When Neal walked into the room he had to stop himself from laughing at the sight before him of Henry lying on his side facing his aunt with an angry look on his face "Hey champ, what's the face for?" He asks the boy and Henry huffs "I want her to wake up!" Henry says frustrated and Neal nods and sits down beside Henry "Well kid we gotta get going so come on, i'll get Kitty..." He says and Henry is quick to look up at him "And... you'll be careful? I don't want anything to happen to her." Henry says worried and Neal nods "Swear." He says and Henry nods unplugging Emma's phone seeing that it had charged and he walks through and hands Emma her phone before making sure to stay away from Gold as he left the appartment building and waited outside as Neal carried Kitty out and sat her on a bench beside Henry allowing her head to lean on his shoulder making it look like she had simply fallen asleep beside him. 

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