A Flower A Day Keeps The Dark One Away

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Kitty couldn't get her mind off of that man she had met when Regina was asking for help... Jefferson... she wished he would come back to the castle but she hadn't seen him since and something about that disappointed her, she really liked him but maybe he was just a pretty face... the more she thought about it the more it upset her so she tried to keep herself busy in her fathers castle cleaning some of his relics in the dining room.

she was currently polishing a plate with a small cloth as she thought about the man with the beautiful blue eyes, she hadn't even realised how hard she was scrubbing the plate until she heard her father's familiar giggle, "You scrub that plate any harder dearie, and it will start fighting back." He says and she sighs her ears falling flat against her head and her tail falling limp and Rumple knew something was wrong instantly "What's the matter Kitty Girl?" He asks her and she just shakes her head and forces on a smile "Nothing dad, I'm fine... I think I might take a walk into town actually, do you need anymore straw?" She asks him and he looks at her suspiciously before humming and snapping his fingers transporting him across the room to sit in his chair "Well... if your going I suppose it wouldn't hurt... be back before sunset," He says and Kitty nods putting the plate back in the display case and she takes off to get her cloak.

Her father was always strict with her about hiding her more unique features from the town which she never quite understood because everyone in town knew her and knew what she looked like so what was the point in hiding it? She never argued though, she knew better than to argue with her father about it so she put her cloak on and grabbed her basket before leaving the dark castle walking towards the main gate so she could head into town.

she was humming a tune as she walked through the woods, she didn't even hear the footsteps behind her "hello there pretty darling." She heard and jumped in fright before turning around gasping in shock "Jefferson?! You shouldn't sneak up on people like that! I almost jumped into that tree!" Kitty says crossing her arms and Jefferson was leaning against a tree twirling a flower between his pointer finger and his thumb "sorry gorgeous I couldn't help myself, you were in your own little world." He says with a chuckle as he pushes off the tree and stands in front of Kitty who looks up at him with wide innocent eyes and he holds up the flower he had been holding "for you pretty darling." He says winking at her.

She blushes furiously as she takes the flower off of him "no one's ever given me any flowers before... thank you." She says and Jefferson smiles at her "no one has? That's ridiculous... I think more people should give you flowers." Jefferson says shaking his head and Kitty giggles still holding the flower in her hand and she smiles at Jefferson "I haven't seen you back at my fathers castle..." she says and that makes him smirk "aww did my pretty darling miss me?" He asks smugly and she blushes again "stop calling me that!" She says embarrassed and Jefferson steps closer to her "why it is true, is it not? Your a pretty little darling, and your mine." He says still smirking and Kitty places the flower in her basket before crossing her arms her hood falling as her ears perk up "excuse you, I'm 'yours'? I am not some prize to be won!" Kitty says and Jefferson looks down at her "I know that... you're not a prize... you're a natural beauty to be worshipped." Jefferson says and Kitty is left speechless without anything to say and Jefferson just offers her his arm and they begin walking through the woods together.

"So why are you heading into town? Business or Pleasure?" Jefferson asks her and she looks up at him "I just needed out of the castle... dad's trying to focus on finding... it doesn't matter, I rather enjoy the town, it's full of normal people, sometimes I wish I was as normal as them, sometimes I wish I was them... no magic, no burdens, just normal." Kitty says and her smile drops and Jefferson scoffs "Normal? who wants to be normal? Normal's boring... why not be weird and wonderful it's more fun that way! And besides I think your magic's awesome... I also think that you should stop wearing that ridiculous cape, as much as you might see your features as a burden... I think they're beautiful." Jefferson tells her and she  smiles up at him with tears in her eyes, "You really think that?" Her eyes wide as she nervously waited for his answer "Of course I do." Jefferson says and Kitty leans her head onto his arm as they continue walking towards town.

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