What's my story Henry?

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In the evening Henry and Cathy sat with left over cake from the bakery and Cathy couldn't help but feel curious, "Kitten? Can I ask you something?" Henry momentarily stopped shovelling cake into his mouth and looked at his aunt "yeah what's up?" He said with mumbled words due to the cake stuffing his cheeks, and he quickly took a sip of juice and swallowed his cake. She took a deep breath, saying to herself am I actually about to do this?, and asked "you said everyone in Storybrooke is a character in your book right?" Henry nodded his head making a small 'uh-huh' sound as he nodded his head "who am I?" She asked and Henry froze, he was panicking slightly because he didn't want to upset his aunt but at the same time he himself was confused on how he would explain. 

"I'm not sure if your ready for that yet auntie cat." She nodded, she trusted Henry's opinion and if he believed that she 'wasn't ready' then she would accept that she 'wasn't ready' "fair. But was I a hero or a villain?" Henry looked a little nervous "a hero?" The way that he said that with his uncertain tone really didn't reassure her but she just nodded and muttered under her breath as she carried her empty plate away "curiouser and curiouser." She missed Henry smirking at her from behind her back. Later After Cathy had gone to bed Henry had pulled his bag out from under his bed and opened his book to read Kitty's story again. He started in the middle of the story at his favourite chapter.

The forgotten meeting of The Cat and The Hat-ter

A young woman was running through the corridors in a dark mansion whilst clutching a book, she was running as fast as she possibly could, her blue cat ears sat perked up on her head and her long grey and blue tail swayed happily behind her and as she ran she was giggling and laughing, this was practically a chasing game to her. There was an angry voice calling after her "KITTY BRING THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!" the voice called but instead she kept running and giggling before turning into a room with a long table and cases with old trinkets and different things that had been collected over the years, when all of a sudden a puff of smoke appeared infront of her and arms wrapped around her and she squealed in surprise before bursting into a laughing fit. She gripped onto the book even tighter so he wouldn't get it off of her, she wanted to keep it because it had an interesting cover.

"and what were you planning on doing with that dearie? Jinxing yourself into a statue? Perhaps grow yourself another tail, or perhaps a different pair of ears?" She kept laughing as her father took the spell book back, managing to pry it from her iron grip, and she continued laughing and giggling as she leaned into her father's embrace "sorry dad, I only wished to have fun you see." She said as she pulled a signature grin and her ears on top of her head still stood up on alert and her tail still moved happily from side to side, he shook his head with a small smirk, "you know I'm not angry but I have a guest coming soon and I need to make sure I have everything in order for his arrival." She nodded knowing her father had a lot of people who worked for him.

she tended to avoid those meetings not wanting to hear all the dark things her father did, she knew he was the dark one but she always saw a nicer side of him, she could never fear her father. They had had a complicated past and sometimes the memories came back to haunt her and she would get upset but she tried her best not to let it show. Her father released Kitty from his grasp and began walking away but before he could Kitty called after him "who is coming today dad?" She asked curiously, he stopped in his tracks and turned to her and said "well actually two people, your little fake royal friend, Regina and a man with a very interesting hat dearie." He knew exactly what he was doing, he was fuelling her never ending curiosity.

How could a hat be interesting? What could possibly constitute to making a hat interesting? Perhaps it was bright yellow and covered in buttons! Maybe... Maybe it was pink with white feathers all over it or maybe it was too big for anyone to wear! Or maybe it was too small! It intrigued her because her father didn't wear hats, he just didn't like them so Kitty wondered why a man with an interesting hat was coming to her home because she never wore hats either, they pressed her ears against her head and it felt uncomfortable, it also limited her hearing to have her ears covered up. So she never hats, she had a couple but she never had any occassions to wear them because she never really left the castle.

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