Goodbye Storybrooke for Good.

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Kitty hadn't been able to shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen, she wasn't letting her children out of her sight for that reason, she didn't know why she felt so worried but she certainly wasn't going to just brush it off whilst Pan was running around Storybrooke with the curse.

She was holding Jack in her arms as she walked back to her car with Grace right beside her and Jefferson was speaking to Neal before he came over to speak to Kitty who was putting Jack into the car. Her magic felt off as well, she felt like she had a weight sitting on top of her chest and she didn't know why she felt so awful.

"My love, I'm going to go with your brother and help okay?" Jefferson says and Kitty turns to him shaking slightly and he instantly becomes worried and he holds her face in his hands "hey hey... what's wrong pretty darling? Your shaking like a leaf." He says before moving his hands to pull her into a hug.

She holds onto him tightly "Jefferson I have a really bad feeling about this, something doesn't feel right..." She says and he holds onto her waist as he looks down at her "don't worry pretty darling, everything will be fine... we'll deal with Pan and then it will all be okay and we can spend time with our kids." He tells her and she nods her head.

"Jefferson please... please be careful." She says practically begging him and Neal walks over to see what's taking Jefferson so long and he sees the state his sister is in "Kitty... Jesus... what's wrong?" He asks her and she looks at him "Neal please be careful... there's something about all of this that doesn't feel right... please both of you be careful." Kitty says and they both nod and Neal pulls her into a hug.

"hey... it's gonna be okay... I'll be okay, I didn't just find my family to go dying on them did I?" He says to her meaning to be a joke but she doesn't laugh at all "sorry bad joke." He says pulling back and he looks down at his sister who's trying not to cry "hey it's gonna be okay." He says and kisses her head before he nods at Jefferson "I'll be by the car." He says pointing over at the car and Jefferson nods his head.

Kitty still didn't like the fact that Jefferson was going with the others. She knew it was selfish to want to keep her husband with her but she knew he wanted to help, she pushes some hair out of his face and rubs her thumbs on his cheeks as he looks down at her "I love you Jefferson," she says and he smiles lifting his hands to hold her face gently "I love you too Kitty, so much." He says giving her a kiss and she wraps her arms around his neck as the kiss becomes more intense and in the car Grace covers Jack's eyes.

"I'll be as quick and as safe as I can okay?" He says and she nods her head and he leaves to go with Neal and Kitty watches him holding onto her necklace tightly as the car leaves and Indiana walks over "he'll be okay you know." She says and Kitty takes a deep breath "I know... I just, so much has happened to our family and... I can't help but worry about him, I've had this feeling today that somethings going to happen." She says and Indiana nods her head.

"It'll all be okay... how about I come with you and the kids and we can spend some time together." Indiana says, she did want to get to know her niece, as much as it was a bit late the girl reminded her a lot of herself when she was younger and she definitely reminded her of Killian. "Thanks Indiana." She says to the woman as her ears finally perk up a bit as she tries not to worry too much. "Call me Indi." She says and Kitty smiles and nods her head.

They get into the car with the kids and Jack and Grace look at Kitty "are you okay?" Jack asks her and she turns and gives him a small smile "yeah I'm okay now snowflake, I was just worried about what might happen with Pan but it's alright now." She says with a smile and the two kids nod.

"so... what are we going to do?" Grace asks and it's Indiana that speaks up "Well I heard there's an ice cream shop on Main Street and I don't know about you guys but I want to try this rocky road that Emma kept going on about." She says and the kids before grin in excitement and Kitty mouths a 'Thank You' to Indiana who just nods her head and they start their drive.

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