She's My Aunt!!! She's My Best Friend!!!

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Henry was still inconsolable and was sobbing his heart out as he looked towards the elevator shaft, his throat was beginning to get sore from all the screaming he had done, Regina was crying on her knees with her forehead against the ground as she cried before she lifted her head as she had a thought "How long does the rope go?" Regina asks wiping her face and Graham looks up from where he is still holding Mr.Gold and he wipes his own eyes with the back of his hand trying to force his voice not to break "I... I'm not too sure, why?" Graham asks his voice still slightly cracking and Regina gets up and grabs a harness and begins to put it on and Graham gets up and moves over to her "What are you doing?" He asks her and she ignores him and gets the rope and attaching it to the front of the harness.

"Regina, what are you doing?" Graham asks stepping in front of her grabbing onto the rope before she glares up at him snapping "Getting my best friend back! I don't see anybody else trying to go down to save her, not you anyway!" She shouts in his face as paramedics move in to move the others out of the way and check on Henry and Archie, the former starts screaming not wanting to be moved away from the elevator shafts entrace but he is eventually carried away as his mother gets herself ready to go down, Henry was thrashing around in the paramedics arms whilst screaming at the top of his lungs with all the energy he had left, Regina turns on a flashlight and slowly gets lowered down the elevator shaft. She had caused Kitty so much pain back in the enchanted forest and now perhaps... she could make up for at least some of it.

She goes down the shaft slowly for a few minutes until she sees the bottom of the elevator shaft and she sees two things, a bloody body laying motionless on the ground and not too far away from the body was a smashed up half broken glass coffin that makes Regina's heart stop and she lets out a gasp before speaking into a radio on her shirt that she took from Emma "Stop i'm down, she's here." Regina says and she unclips the rope to move over to Cathy and she drops down at her side and quickly cradles her face in her hands, more tears spilling from her eyes as she carefully and gently held her friends face "Cathy? Can you hear me? I'm so sorry..." Regina says wiping some blood off of her face and moving her blood soaked hair back trying to think about the last time she had saw Cathy, well Kitty like this. 

She then moved to check Cathy's pulse and she felt a very faint pulsh and her breathing hitched herself because she didn't want to lose her best and only actual friend "I'm so sorry..." Regina says again with tears flowing down her face again, she then moves to put another harness around Cathy being very careful to avoid anywhere with visible wounds or bruises and then Regina quickly moves her over to where the rope is and she attaches herself and then attaches Cathy with a spare rope before radioing back up "Okay! Bring us up!" Regina speaks into the walkie as she tries to support Cathy's head with her hand as they are lifted out of the mine, as soon as they get out of the mines the paramedics immediately put her onto a stretcher and check her over whilst rushing her over to an ambulance.

Henry was trying to get over to see his aunt and the paramedics gave up on trying to fight him as he had been thrashing and screaming and crying for minutes on end wanting his aunt and so the paramedics let him see her but held him back from touching her just to make sure that he didn't injure her more. Gold was in shock as he stared at his daughters limp body that was covered in blood being carried and moved around to get checked over, he had never felt like this before, he was terrified to lose his daughter he always had been, the thing he regretted most in this moment however was that he still hadn't spoken to her to make things right after the whole Ashley-Baby situation and now he didn't know if he would ever get the chance to again... He knew that he hadn't always been the best man for her and that he had been awful in his treatment towards her sometimes... He felt sick with worry...

What no one else noticed was the man at the back of the crowd choking back his own sobs as he watched Cathy be taken to the ambulance and rushed away. The man wipes his face sending one last glare in Regina's direction before he rushes back off into the woods behind him and Henry just catches a glimpse of a colourful scarf running away and it hits him that Jefferson was at the mines and just his barely alive wife being rushed away to hospital because of him. Henry was never going to forgive himself for what had happened to his aunt because of him, if he hadn't gone in the mines Cathy wouldn't have followed him and gotten hit in the head and she wouldn't have let go of Archie and fell... He kept seeing her fall over and over again.

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