The Adventures Of Grace Hatter

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Grace Hatter was many things, she was brave and she was helpful but above everything else she was kind and it was a trait her father was thankful that she had, she was always so kind to anybody she met and she was always quick to help people. She was only seven years old and she was very well liked by the people in the nearby town for all of her help, she was a very adventurous and curious little girl and she always had been, it gave her father a lot worry because one minute Grace would be there and the next she would be chasing after something and then he would be chasing after her. Her father often went to work in the woods collecting mushrooms and other berries and things he could sell for money, sometimes he hunted for game and on those days the nearby neighbours would watch Grace but she would always end up outside exploring which panicked the poor older couple who were tasked with watching the young girl.

Currently her father was out working and Grace had snuck out to walk through the woods, she was looking for animals, sometimes she saw a squirrel or a deer running away but she was hoping to see more, she reached a beautiful field filled with wild flowers and there was butterflies flying around, Grace loved it here there was something about the field that made her something that she couldn't describe... she was walking through the fields running her hands through the grass when she saw some quickly run past her and she looked to see a white rabbit in a waist coat? It confused the young girl and then she watched the rabbit pull out a pocket watch and she was completely bewildered, she watched as the rabbit panicked and quickly began to rush away so she followed after him.

She ran as quickly as she could after the rabbit, calling after it but it seemed to make the white rabbit panic more and speed up until she ran behind a tree and disappeared, Grace was confused so she ran up to the tree and looked around it seeing a huge rabbit hole on the ground so she carefully kneeled beside the hole and peered over into the dark hole, she couldn't tell how far it went down but before she could react the ground beneath her fell away and she began tumbling down the rabbit hole as she screamed. She noticed many things in the walls of the rabbit hole and she also noticed that the rabbit hole was much wider inside, it was huge! There was clocks hanging out of the side of the rabbit hole and a dressing table and even a bed!

Grace landed on the mattress and bounced off of it and it sent her crashing into the other side of the wall where she then slid to the bottom and crashed through a roof landing with a thud. She looked around the room in fear, she wanted to go home now she didn't care how curious the rabbit was she wanted to go back home to her papa. She looked up to see that she was in a corridor with only one door at the end and so she walks towards it and sees a table in front of her with a bottle in the middle of it with a red liquid inside it and so she picks it up and reads the label 'drink me' the label reads and she wonders what's the harm it can do, so she takes a few sips and begins to feel the effects instantly as everything in the room begins to become smaller and it's only then she realises she's shrinking.

She looks up at the table and realises that there was also a key on the table and she sighs and begins panicking "Now what am I supposed to do?" She says sadly trying not to cry and she sits down on a seat behind her before she realises she's sitting on something and she turns to see a container full of cakes all with the same icing on top of them 'eat me' it says and Grace opens the container and looks at the cakes "well... if it makes me grow taller then maybe I can reach the key and go home." Grace says out loud as she thinks and picks up one of the cakes "... even if it makes me grow smaller I can crawl under the door..." she says looking at the other door in the room before she takes a few bites and then drops the cake as she begins to grow, and it makes her smile as she reaches the right height for the table but then she continues to grow and Grace panics again as she has to bend slightly to fit in the room

"I'm stuck! Oh no I'm stuck! What am I supposed to do?!" Grace panics trying not to cry and the door opens and the white rabbit from before walks into the room "Oh the queen will be furious, if I keep her waiting!" He says worried as he quickly crosses the room not even noticing Grace until she speaks up "Please Mr. Rabbit! Can you help me!" She says with tears in her eyes and the rabbit turns around and looks up at her before screaming, and Grace begins to cry, her tears splashing onto the ground creating puddles. The white rabbit looks up at her "are you crying?" It asks her and she hiccups before answering "Yes!" She cries and the Rabbit jumps out of the way of the tears "Well fortunately I speak both crying and sobbing fluently... ah!" He shrieks jumping out of the way of another tear "but I'm afraid I can't stay, I'm so awfully late! I apologise!" The white rabbit says quickly running to the door opening it and running through it whilst Grace calls after him.

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