The Beautiful Market Woman

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Kitty was bored of the dark castle as usual so she decided to take a walk to the market to see what new things were there, she had already been to the bakery and picked up some sweet treats for her and her father, she was looking at a jewellery cart that was stationed just beside a toy cart, Kitty made sure her cloak was covering her ears and tail, she didn't mind anyone seeing her eyes but the ears and tail would give her away, she heard a little girls voice from beside her "Wouldn't this make the perfect guest for our tea parties, Papa? Can I have him? Please?" She hears the little girl ask and she looks over to see a little girl with a big smile on her face holding onto a rabbit toy whilst she looked up at her father. It made Kitty smile slightly at the happy little girl.

Kitty looked at the man and he was by far the most handsome man she'd ever seen in her life but then the realisation hit her that he was probably married with a happy relationship so she decided just to listen in "Excuse me. How much for the rabbit?" He asks the kart owner and the old woman hobbled over "That costs one silver." She says and Kitty sees the man's face drop but the little girl doesn't thankfully, she's too busy looking at the toy rabbit "Would you take eight coppers for it? It's all I have." He says and Kitty's heart breaks and she holds onto her basket tighter "Oh, you are good father. Your last coppers for your little girl's happiness, ah?" The woman says and the man lets out a sigh of relief and so does Kitty as she turns back to look at the jewellery happy the little girl can have her toy.

"Thank you." The man says and Kitty was just about to walk away completely when the woman spoke again making Kitty freeze and one of her ears shoot up "Oh, I did not say I accept. Alas, I cannot take less than one silver. The economy. You understand." She says and the little girl sighs and puts the rabbit back down "It's okay, Papa. Come on – people are waiting." The little girl says and Kitty's blood boils she is gripping her basket with so much force she is surprised it doesn't break "I will not take no for an answer." He says to the woman and the little girl shakes her head with tears in her eyes "Papa, please. I don't need it." She says and the man sighs and shakes his head "Come on, sweetie." He says and they pass by Kitty so she storms up to the kart and slams one silver down in front of the lady who looks slightly shocked at her. 

"give me the damn rabbit now." She says to the woman as she shakes in anger, and the woman wordlessly hands her the rabbit and Kitty grabs it putting it into her basket and quickly follows after the father and daughter, moving quickly through the small crowd as to not lose them "excuse me! Little girl! Mister!" She calls after them and they both stop and look at each other confused before turning around to face Kitty and she got to see his beautiful piercing blue eyes and she was speechless for a moment before regaining her composure "sorry I didn't know your names... I uh... I have something for you." She says and takes the rabbit out of her basket handing it to the little girl making her gasp and smile "look papa! The rabbit!" She says and the man smiles gratefully at the woman. 

"oh thank you so much, here I only have eight coppers, I do hope it's enough." The man says quickly and quite nervously but Kitty shakes her head instantly "oh no I could never accept such a thing, I will ask for one thing though..." Kitty says and the man nods as the young girl cuddles her new toy rabbit, "What? I will try to give you whatever you want." He says ad Kitty smiles "I would like to know the name of this pretty little lady and her handsome father." Kitty says shooting her shot figuring that if he was married or seeing someone that he would just tell her but her comment makes the little girl giggle as she looks up at her father who had become flustered all of a sudden "I'm Grace, this is my papa." She says gesturing to the flustered man. 

"I'm Jefferson..." He says trailing off and Kitty gives them a smile and looks around to see no one looking at them so she pushes her hood down exposing her ears and letting them get a better look at her eyes which Grace thinks looks so cool, and her father just thinks it makes her more beautiful "I'm Kitty, it's a pleasure to meet you both." Kitty says and Grace takes note of how her father was staring at the woman, she already loved the woman in front of her because she had bought her the rabbit but now she could tell that her father liked the women as well which made her grin. 

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