Talks on The Docks

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The next day Kitty and Grace went for a walk and they ended up by the docks coincidentally, they had decided to go out for a walk whilst Jefferson did a bit of work in the house mainly adding a sliding latch on their bedroom door after a small... incident that had happened to them that morning that almost left them with a traumatised Grace, let's just say Grace will think twice about knocking before barging into her parents bedroom... so whilst Jefferson was doing that with Henry's help, because Kitty thought that Henry would really benefit from a male figure in his life spending time with him, the two girls decided that they would have some mother and daughter time so they just walked and ended up there at the docks, so they decided to sit on a bench facing the water and Kitty wrapped her arm around Grace letting the girl relax and lean into her side "your papa was telling me that you have magic." Kitty says and Grace nods against her side. 

"I'm scared though mama... I don't want to hurt anyone... I was gonna speak to grandpappy to see if he could help." Grace says and Kitty stiffens up "that's a beautiful idea baby but... I don't want you to see grandpappy for a few days okay sweetheart?" She says and Grace leans back to look up at her mothers face "why? What's happened? Did Grandpappy Gold do something bad?" Grace asks and Kitty sighs before nodding "yes he did, he told a very big lie, it's hurt me quite a lot so I'm deciding what I'm going to do... to be honest Gracie I don't know if I can forgive him this time..." Kitty says as she looks out towards the water, although she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched by someone but she looked around and couldn't see anyone and there were no boats in the dock so she shook her head and looked back out towards the water. 

"your grandpappy... he isn't my father Grace... and it's complicated but basically, when I was younger my real father and your grandpappy they... had a bit of a fall out and grandpappy done something horrible and thought that he would take me with him as some sort of reward proving that he was better..." Kitty trails off and Grace's bottom lip started trembling and Kitty knew that she would start crying because she adored her grandpappy and she always had done "no... maybe there was some mistake? Maybe it happened differently?" Grace says trying to understand, she was trying to make a version of the story in her head that made her grandpappy the good guy. 

"I'm so sorry sweetheart... I just needed some time to think so I told him to stay away from us for a few days okay?" Kitty says and Grace nods her head "yes mama." She says and Kitty smiles and kisses her head "that's my girl." She says and Grace smiles at her and hugs her from the side before she pulls back and looks back out towards the water "so who is your real dad?" Grace asks her and Kitty sighs and leans forward with her elbows on her knees "his name is Killian Jones, he's a pirate... he is probably better known for his name Captain Hook." Kitty says and hears Grace gasp slightly behind her and she turns to look at the girl who looked shocked "what? What is it? Have you met him before?" She asks her daughter who quickly shakes her head. 

"no never, Captain Hook? Who's he? Never heard of him! Not until you mentioned him then technically I have heard of him making my previous statement false but oops! Sorry! What can we do about it?!" Grace rambles away and Kitty just raises an eyebrow to indicate she wasn't buying it and Grace laughs nervously and looks around "mama.. maybe we could go for a walk into town and maybe get some food for papa and Henry?" She suggests and Kitty nods her head with a smile and the mother daughter duo leave the docks hand in hand whilst a heartbroken pirate on a glamoured ship cries into a baby blanket that he held tight in his clutch...

The rest of the day the hatters spent it together as a family watching tv and talking about different things from both before the curse and during it, Henry listened to everyword loving to hear about the enchanted forrest, the whole day Kitty felt as though she was always being watched and it had started freak her out but she could never see anyone when she checked her surroundings... the next day the four of them go to Granny's to meet Emma for breakfast "So, what was it like? Over there?" Henry asks looking from his aunt to his mother and Kitty laughs "I'll let you take the wheel Emma." Kitty says and Emma clears her throat thinking about what she's going to say. 

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