The Curse in Two Hearts.

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Whale had kept Neal over night to make sure that he was doing okay and Grace had been going between seeing her mother and her uncle. She had gone to the library and found a book on curses and she was reading through it to see if there was anything that could help her and her uncle. Neal was watching the mark on his hand whilst Grace read quietly "Have you found anything?" He asks looking over at Grace who shakes her head "this just talks about curses and side effects." She says sighing and Na nods and gives her a smile "your smart Grace I'm sure you'll find something." He says and she smiles and keeps reading the book.

She is flicking through pages when she sees a chapter titled 'the curse in two hearts.' She decided to read through it to see if there was anything interesting and she notices one paragraph "what is it?" Neal asks her after seeing the look on her face "I think I found something... it says here if the curse is shared between two hearts, joining them together can help to break it... but we don't know if we're actually cursed... and how would you join two hearts together? I don't think uncle Victor is even that freaky." Grace says horrified and Neal just laughs as she slams the book shut still looking horrified as she tries to picture two hearts being joined together.

"How is it being a big sister to two siblings now?" Neal asks her as she scrolls on her phone "I like it, I'm the big sister so I have to look after Jack and Dori, I love it!" She says before pulling up a picture she took of the three of them the night before, Jack and Grace have their tongues out whilst Anidori is laughing in the picture and she shows it to Neal "I took this last night." She says with a smile and he laughs looking at the picture "aww look at the three of you... that's cute Grace." He says smiling as he hands the phone back.

"How's your pops doing?" He asks her and she sighs "he's worried about mama... well... he's always worried about mama but he's just scared, she collapsed and she's hearing voices and her magic was getting stronger... Im worried uncle Neal." She says to her uncle and he looks over at her "about what sweetie?" He asks her and she looks over at him "if my magic comes from mama... what's going to happen to me?" She asks him and he goes silent for a minute before he pats the spot on the bed beside him and she moves to go and sit beside him and he wraps his arm around her.

"I promise you Grace that nothings going to happen to you... I won't let anything happen, your pops won't, as much as I'm not his biggest fan Hook won't let anything happen to you and when Kitty's better she definitely won't let anything happen to you... you don't have to worry Grace." He tells her and she nods her head and looks down at the mark on her hand and Neal puts his hand beside her "ya know we could've just got matching bracelets..." he trails off and Grace laughs at his joke and he smiled down at her as Hook walked in the room happy to see his granddaughter laughing.

"Thought you could use some sustenance... and a special meal for the little lady." Hook says handing Grace a bag that says 'Granny's Diner' on the front and she quickly opens the bag and smiles "A grilled cheese!" She says happily as she begins to eat "Nothing like a green blob to get the appetite going." Hook says to Neal pointing at the jello that he had brought Neal, and Grace wonders how he carried it all until she looks back down at the bag her food was in and she saw a hole in the top realising that he used his hook to carry it and it makes her burst out laughing.

And they both look at her for a minute as she calms down her laughing and giggling and continues eating her grilled cheese "Well, I gather it has great medicinal properties." Hook says again pointing at the jello "They put you on babysitting duty, huh? What, no one trusted me to stay here?" Neal says and Grace shakes her head "no... I just wanted to see you, I was worried when I couldn't find you when we got back." Grace says and he kisses the top of her head " And Emma's simply concerned about you. She thought it best you weren't out in the cold running after your father." Hook says and Neal nods his head "Thank you, by the way." Neal says to the man who looks confused "For playing nanny?" Hook asks still confused and Neal shakes his head.

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