The Tale of The Pirate and The Pigtails.

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Killian Jones wasn't the smartest man alive, that was for certain, he ran his mouth and got into pointless fights with others not knowing what repercussions it could have and he had currently gotten to learn these repercussions as he currently lay in an alleyway badly hurt from a fight he'd gotten into after running his mouth, technically he won the fight but as he was going to walk back to his ship he was grabbed by a group of men and beaten in the alley by the tavern, he had been lying there since as pain filled every inch of his body. It had been hours and he finally pushed himself to sit up and he moved to lean against the wall and he heard a small giggle from behind one of the rum barrels and he looks over to see a small girl with pigtails wearing a cloak with the hood up and he looks at her confused. 

"you can't sleep there mister pirate." She says giggling and Killian doesn't know what to say, he's speechless and he doesn't exactly want to tell a child he got attacked so he thinks of something quickly "right... I forgot, silly pirate,  right lass?" He says and she laughs and nods her head as she looks at the man and then he realises that she's alone "where... where's your parents lass?" He says stopping for a second as he's hit with another wave of pain "papa's working." She says and he nods "and your mother?" He asks and notices that she looks sad "papa said she's always watching over me wherever I go." The little girl says fiddling with one of her pigtails and Killian nods knowing exactly what that means.

He moves to push himself up and groans in pain making the little girl gasp and run over to help him "Are you okay mister pirate?" She asks looking at him with wide eyes and he nods his head, he doesn't want to scare the girl so he lies "Aye lass... I'm fine... just a bit sore from sleeping on the ground, I'm a silly pirate remember." He says and the girl nods and laughs slightly before letting him use her shoulder to stand up properly. "Mister pirate?" She asks him looking up at him as they slowly make their way out of the alley with Killian putting a lot of weight onto the small girl to help him walk, he didn't even know who she was and she knew nothing about him other than he was a pirate but that wasn't hard to guess from his get up and here she was helping him. 

He could've been the most dangerous man on earth but this little girl was making sure he was okay and helping him to walk "what's your name lass?" He asks and she looks up at him confused "well I thought I should know my saviour." He said shrugging but then regrets it when his muscles ache "My name's Grace Hatter, what about you mister pirate?" She asks him as they walk through the town square with people moving out of their way when they see who Grace is helping and it makes the innocent little girl smile, "that's considerate of people to move out of the way when they see someone who's hurt." Grace says and Hook snorts but covers it up. 

"Aye very considerate... anyway my name is Captain Killian Jones, though people tend to call me by my more colourful moniker... Hook." Killian says raising his wrist and Grace looks upset "I don't think that's very nice... if I lost my hand I certainly wouldn't want people reminding me by calling me Hook, I think I would be sad getting reminded all the time about what I'd lost, can I call you Killian... or mister pirate?" She asks him and he smiled down at her "Aye lass, you can call me whatever you want." He says and he realises that he has no idea where there going "uhm... lass where are you taking me?" He asks her and she smiled.

She continues to lead him as she talks "I'm taking you back to my house where you can get better, papas not going to be back for three days and Mister and Mrs Fredricksen keep an eye on me from their little house just next door... well it's not really next door, their home is across from ours... but they're lovely, they're called Carl and Ellie." Grace tells him and he nods "they sound delightful... but are you sure it's a good idea to take me there? I think if you told your father when he got back he might not be pleased..." Killian trails off and Grace shrugs "he's not here right now and besides your hurt! So you have to rest to get better and... and I have teddy bears! They always help make people feel better!" Grace says determinedly and Killian laughs slightly. 

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