The Dark Ones Daughter

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Rumplestiltskin was many things in the enchanted forest, some called him the dark one, some called him a coward, some called him the most evilest man in the realm and some called him the dark dealmaker but something the man thought he would never be called again was a father but as he sat here in front of his young daughter he couldn't help but be just slightly happy that he had a second chance at fatherhood, he hasn't initially planned for this to happen but once he had done what he had, he had sealed his fate... the little girl in front of him looked so much like her mother that sometimes it hurt to look at her  because it reminded him of what he had done... but then she also looked just like him and that sometimes made his blood boil but then he would remind himself that she was there with him not with him

That she was here and he would forever live in content remembering the look on his face when he took her. Rumple had been teaching his daughter how to use her magic because the little girl had somehow got magic of her own "Kitty, you need to practice." Rumple says bending down to look under the table of which his daughter now sat under cross legged and cross armed pouting with her cat ears flat against her head "I'm no good at it! I couldn't even lift the feather!" She complains and it makes him laugh "dearie do you really think you learn just like that." He snaps his fingers for emphasis and Kitty huffs "it's too difficult! I'm never going to be able to do it!" She whines and Rumple rolls his eyes "enough of that, dramatics are my thing dearie, you will get it because you are my daughter, daughter of the dark one! Magic runs in our blood dearie!" Rumple finishes with a laugh but that seems to make Kitty feel worse. 

"I don't wanna use dark magic! I wanna be good!" She says and Rumple looks disappointed "oh but where's the fun in that?" He asks and she sighs "I love you dad I do but I don't want to be bad... I want to help people, I want to be good and use light magic!" Kitty says and Rumple lets out an annoyed sigh "but why would you want to do that? It's boring." He says tilting his head to the side and she glares at him "uhhh fine! I'll teach you how to use your magic for good! There happy!" He says throwing his hands in the air dramatically and kitty smiles and her ears perk up as her tail moves happily "really?!" She says moving to hug her father "yes yes yes, now down kitty down." He says pushing her slightly so she'll let him go but he hides his smiles seeing how happy Kitty is. 

Kitty was always a well behaved child she was just always so curious about everything. There were days that Rumple wanted to lock her in her room just for some peace and quiet but Kitty had gotten quite a knack for disappearing in a little cloud of blue smoke and reappearing where she wanted to, and it had definitely startled him quite a few times by now but he also could tell when she was about to do it now, she mostly used her little trick to move from room to room, only being new to using magic, it still intrigued Rumple on how she had magic in the first place but her mother never had any magic and he definitely didn't either but he tried not to think about it too much, it definitely made his life easier that Kitty had magic because then he had something he could use to prove that she was his daughter.

Kitty and Rumple were sitting in one of the huge rooms in the dark castle and Kitty was sitting down by the fireplace as Rumple was spinning straw into gold in the corner "dad?" She asked and she waited until he gave her a verbal reply "what is it Kitty?" He asked her in return and she turned to look at him "what happened to my mama?" She asks him and he stops spinning his straw immediately to turn his full attention to her "why do you ask?" He inquires and she sighs and looks back at the fireplace "well... I always see the children in the nearby village... and I see the little girls with their mothers and... I just got curiouser and curiouser wondering what happened to mine..." Kitty trailed off and Rumple cursed himself in his head, he knew that she would eventually get old enough to question this so he had to come up with something, and then it hit him... 

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