Making Reacquaintances

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Cathy had wheeled herself around to Granny's diner, the kind woman had moved a ramp out the front so she wouldn't have to go around the side to enter the restaurant, but the woman couldn't help but think she saw a glimpse of blue running to the side of Granny's as she was approaching, she was sitting at a small table having a cup of tea and a small cake, she probably should have ordered proper food but she wanted something sweet, she needed it after the day she yesterday, a little boy had run up to her to give her a hug but she panicked and pushed him off and he had looked absolutely heartbroken, Cathy didn't think he was her son... did she have a son? What about a daughter?...

She was getting off track, the little boy thought she was having a joke at first but when he came to realise she actually couldn't remember he had a meltdown and started to scream and cry before he ran off with a blonde woman quickly introducing them and then running off after him, she had seen the blonde woman Emma this morning she waiting for her order and she had waved over at Cathy who gave her a wide grin and waved back, the little boy Henry wasn't with her and something about not seeing the little boy hurt Cathy and she couldn't remember why it did... But watching the little boy breakdown and beg with her to remember him it broke something inside of her.

As Emma was leaving Granny's Diner, a man calls out to her and follows her outside and so Cathy just shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat her cake "everything okay for you Cathy?" An older woman asked and Cathy had learned her name was Granny "oh yes it's quite wonderful Granny, wherever did you come up with such a a delicious cake?" She asks the older woman who smiles at her "it's your recipe dear, you gave it to me." The older woman smiled and Cathy nodded and took in the information "I can make things like this?!" She then suddenly says in shock and Granny laughs and nods her head "yes and your very good at it." She tells Cathy who is grinning from ear to ear. 

"I'm good at something!" She says happily and claps her hands together a few times excitedly and the older woman feels so bad for Cathy because it was like she had to relearn her entire life but she was still so positive about everything, Granny had no idea how she managed it but it was their Cathy, how did she ever manage anything? The man from before came into the diner again and approached Cathy "Cathy right?" He asks her and she laughs "oh I do hope so or someone at the hospital lied to me." She says and the man chuckles before Cathy gets a concerned look on your face "I'm sorry I don't quite remember you, I'm trying my best to remember but it's like trying to put different puzzle pieces together that don't fit I do apologise." She says and the man just smiled at her. 

"don't worry about it, I know what that's like." He says and her attention snaps up from her tea cup to the man "you do?" She asks and he nods his head "I woke up from a coma not too long ago and I couldn't remember anything, it just took time and some help from others and I'm getting there slowly." He tells her and she nods her head before laughing, he doesn't know why she is laughing but it's like it's infectious because he starts to laugh as well before he stops a few moments later "why are we laughing?" He says still trying to calm down and she just laughs even more "wow this town is really one for people in comas and memory loss huh?" She says and it makes the man laugh before he realised he hasn't introduced himself. 

"I'm David, David Nolan." He says and Cathy grins and puts her hand out "Cathy, Cathy Hatter.... Wait no that's not right... it's Kitty, No! Catty! Wait no that's not it either... It's Cathy!... Gold! It's Cathy Gold! Pleasure to make your acquaintance David!" She says grinning and he shakes her hand "so what do you do here in town?" She asks him wanting to learn more about him "I work down in the animal shelter. I volunteer there." He tells her and she nods her head, it rings a sort of bell in her head... did she know someone who used to work in the animal shelter? Who was it? "that's sounds like fun, I'm not quite sure what I did... the man from yesterday Archie said I had my own café, can you imagine that?! A café that's mine? That sounds crazy. Like seriously, something that belongs to me! AND A CAFE?! HOW AWESOME!" She says and the man laughs. 

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