The Wicked West

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Anidori didn't know what was going on, she didn't know most of the time what was going on but something seemed different, everyone seemed sad and she didn't know why, she also didn't know where the fuzzy creature was, she liked the fuzzy creature because it felt fluffy, she just babbled to herself for a while as she saw the people around her look sad, she wondered where her papa had gone, she hadn't seen him for a while, she decided she wanted her father and began hitting her hands off of the sofa as she screamed and she saw no one coming towards her so she huffed and done it again, why wasn't anyone paying attention to her? She started to cry and she saw her fuzzy creature come towards her and put their head on her lap and she stopped crying. She wanted to pet the fuzzy, Jack walked in ready to help his sister when he saw she had stopped crying because Howl had put his head in her lap.

Jack didn't believe that Grace was dead, he was refusing to believe mostly because he didn't want to lose his big sister, he hadn't his papa since they got home and he felt alone, he had Anidori but she was just a baby and Howl was a wolf. Hook and Indiana were at their house but they were in another room discussing what they were going to do. They both knew that Jefferson was not going to be in any shape to take care of the other two kids so they were there to help. Jack walked over to the couch where his sister was propped up leaning back into cushions "hey Dori... what's wrong? Are you hungry? I... I can find some milk?" He says and Anidori looks up at Jack and gurgles and squeals happily at him. She knew who this person was! It was her big brother! She reached up for Jack and Howl moved out of the way.

Jack picked up Anidori and carried her to the kitchen placing her into her high chair, Dr. Whale had had a look at her and estimated that Anidori was around six months old. She was a cute baby, she had brown hair and bright blue just like her parents and Jack smiled at the baby as she tried to reach up for his white hair "no no no Dori don't pull on that." He tells the baby who just giggled, he wondered if she would notice that Grace wasn't here anymore, he didn't know, he knew that babies were quite smart and knew when things and changed but he didn't know if she noticed anything.

Jack went to the fridge and took out the milk and quickly Howl started tugging on the back of his jumper as if to stop him from what he was doing and he turns around "what is your problem?" He asks the wolf annoyed and the wolf just made a noise before moving over to the cupboard and scratching it and Jack tilts his head to the side "there's nothing in there." Jack says and it sounds like the wolf sighs, it climbs up and places it's front two paws on the worktop and Jack looks up to see the kettle with two containers of powder beside it. "what am I supposed to do with that?" He asks the wolf who just slumps against the floor as if giving up.

Jack gets his empty baby bottle and lifts up one of the containers of powder. "Baby formula... ohh I get it well done Howl!" Jack says with a smile and the wolf just huffs and goes to lie under the high chair as Anidori watches her brother as he puts some powder into the bottle, she can hear voices in the next room but she doesn't pay attention to them as she watches her brother. "Okay Dori we just have to wait for the kettle to boil and then I'll make you a bottle... but won't it be too hot?" He wonders out loud and he debates going to ask Indiana but he decides not to wanting to prove he can be a good big brother.

He flicks his hand and makes some snowflakes fly around Anidori's head distracting her as she reached up for the pretty shiny things, the kettle finishes boiling and Jack carefully uses two hands to lifts the kettle that was heavier than he realised and he filled the bottle but it spilled over and the water splashed up and caught his hand making him cry out and drop the kettle in shock the water burning his leg and he screamed causing Howl to run into the next room to get the adults and two sets of footsteps quickly rush into the kitchen and he sees Indiana and Hook running into the room. Indiana checks on Anidori whilst Hook runs right over and lifts Jack out of the now puddle of boiling water and he sits the boy on the counter as he cried "what happened mate?" He asks the little boy who is clutching his arm "I... I was trying to make Dori... a... a bottle... I didn't mean... I didn't mean to drop the kettle." He cries and Hook realised he'd been burned and turned the cold tap on in the sink and moves the little boy over and puts his arm under the tap.

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